26 December 2006

mihop ~ lihop ~ dihop

The 9/11 Truth Movement is waffling under the pressure of events, the clashes of egos, the brute inveiglements of entropy, the stonewalling of the guilty and the unwilling. Among the throngs of people who know the official version of events is probably the biggest whopper our government has ever told, there have been, essentially, two camps: the Made It Happen On Purpose, and the Let It Happen On Purpose. MIHOP and LIHOP not only try to tear each other down, but factions from within each camp fight for supremacy. Last night I listened to a podcast of Webster Tarpley on his weekly radio show. Tarpley is a diehard MIHOPper, and I'm with him on that one -- there really is no other conclusion that covers the whole thing -- but then he went so far as to say that it has to be MIHOP or it will not ever rouse this snoozing public enough to stop this war-mongering administration. I even agree with that, but it has to be the truth, told because it is true, not because it serves.

This is driving me nuts about some of the best minds we have. They laser inscrutable nests of confusing bits into a rational whole for us, and then piss it all away by departing from their fact-finding in furtherance of other goals.

Even if they're good ones, it won't do. It's not true. If it's not true, it is not useful toward anything but more pain.

Even if it stops a war.

If it has not been true, it will only delay the horrific karma, not end it.

So. I would like to point out that the Deny It Happened On Purpose people are the ones who need attention. Most of them are DIHOPpers because they can't stand having to think about this reality, preferring the safe anonymity of buying the official lies, shrugging off the question, or deflecting it somehow. Think of the hundreds of thousands of people who are and will continue dying horribly BECAUSE the truth is too scary to think. To put it bluntly: hundreds of thousands of innocent people are being killed, and millions of innocent people live in mortal terror every day, BECAUSE too many fat and happy Americans refuse to taint their consciousnesses with uncomfortable thoughts.

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