10 February 2007

bawdy brats

This is Bill Donohue, President of the Catholic Leaque. He can be seen on right wing Christian tv, is a pundit of sorts, and he seems, largely, to fall under the new heading of "hypochristifacist", since his political leanings make it pretty clear that following the teaching of Christ is not his bag, and our slide into a police state is just fine by him. He's the one who had the big cow over John Edwards's poor choice of bloggers to work for his campaign. Most of Blogistan is filled with righteous indignation over this. I'm not. He has a point.

Here he is with Tucker Carlson, who is a whole universe of detestable unto himself. I'm astounded to report that both these men comported themselves in this clip in an almost completely adult, rational and reasonable way. Amazing! But let's not any of us even begin to rely on it. It's a fluke. It's a fluke because, for once, they have something reasonable about which to complain. That must feel good, but, truly, don't go dreaming it will last.

Donohue calls them "brats", and it is a darn fair characterization for the women bloggers Edwards hired. Their avidity for giving monster offense to anyone who seems to them to harbor the faintest subconscious notion of doubt about any aspect of certain modern liberation movements, or just any particularly vivid expression thereof, would, beyond a shadow of a doubt, have kept Edwards from hiring them to begin with, had he been astute enough to read some of their stuff before making a grab for their followings. I believe a word that would in a bygone era have been applied to describe both or either is "bawdy". I once about got my head bitten off for objecting to the prospect of turning James Bond, supreme ladies man for half a century already, into a spy who would sleep with gay men for Queen and Country. I can't quite remember all the epithets one of these women heaped on me, but, of course, "homophobe" was among them. I had not even mentioned my objection to her stating she was going to have an orgasm over this idea. (Whatever blows your skirt up.) I'd merely piped up to defend Bond's honor, so to speak. This same woman had gone into some graphic detail about the wonderfulness of two men fucking in the middle of the street for the admiration of passers-by in another post, something to which a large section of the gay community would also object. Basically, an easy call to say a presidential candidate would steer away from that action. So, truly, Donohue has a point, and Edwards blew it.

I note, however, that he says he thinks Edwards is a decent man. Pfeh.

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