12 February 2007

very bad guy bad guy

Jerome M. Hauer
Assistant Vice President, Science Applications International Corporation
Associate Director, Center for Counterterrorism Technology & Analysis

Jerome M. Hauer, one of the nation's leading experts on biological and chemical terrorism, recently left his post as Director of New York City's Office of Emergency Management (OEM) to join Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC). Hauer, who served four years as the City's first OEM Director, will be SAIC's Assistant Vice President and Associate Director of Center for Counterterrorism Technology and Analysis.

During his tenure at OEM, Hauer was charged by the Mayor with coordinating the City's on-scene response to multi-agency emergencies. He was also given the responsibility of drafting the City's emergency response plans to natural and man-made events, including hurricanes and coastal flooding, as well as biological or chemical attacks.

Hauer has a Masters degree from the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health and over 20 years of experience in emergency management. He was recently selected to be one of six scientists to brief President Clinton on biological terrorism and has been asked by the World Health Organization to co-author a rewrite of its 1970 monograph on chemical and biological weapons. Hauer consults regularly with Scotland Yard and the Israeli military, and worked extensively with the Australian Government in its preparations for the 2000 Summer Olympics.

Hauer has served on the National Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine's Committee to Evaluate R&D Needs for Improved Civilian Medical Response to Chemical or Biological Terrorism Incidents, and is an advisor the United States Capitol Police and the United States Marine Corps' Chemical-Biological Incident Response Force (C-BIRF). Hauer is also a member of the Johns Hopkins Working Group on Civilian Bio Defense, and is an advisor to the Department of Justice's Office of Justice Programs.

This is the guy who was on the mainstream media [with Dan Rather on CBS] within an hour of the towers exploding telling us it was the velocity of the planes and the intense heat of the burning fuel (which actually burned off almost completely in the fireballs from impact) [that caused structural failure and brought the towers down], plus pointing the finger at Bin Laden [even as Rather was reporting that experts were saying that kind of attack had to be state-sponsored]. If you watch this [missing] short video, you will see there was an extremely swift, concerted, effort to imprint us with the official story for this inside job. You'll get the picture in a hurry. This is also the guy who told administration officials to start taking Cipro prior to the anthrax attacks. Since it has been shown that the anthrax used was a weaponized strain that originated right here in the US, this, coupled with his guilt-assuring speed of punditry on 9/11, is NOT a good sign.

Doing his job entirely too well.

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