I've been listening to Scott Harris' Counterpoint, which is on every Monday night (8-10pm Eastern) and archived at The White Rose Society. About halfway through tonight's show -- now last night's -- Harvey Wasserman comes on and blows my mind with a little story about how Paul Wellstone was going to sign on with the Congressional Black Caucus to challenge the Florida delegates for the 2000 election travesty, but Al Gore had told all the senators that if they tried to join, he would not recognize them... effectively further disenfranchising even more thousands of black voters, and, of course, sealing our fate as well. I know he thought he was being gracious, and couldn't know HOW bad it was going to be for us, but... aaaaagh!
I'm really uptight about this. My brain is boiling about Wellstone's murder again. Now I have to find out about any sense of rivalry Wasserman might have with Gore, because if this is true, I'm really horrified, and it may well be true because it explains why Gore would say he felt there was no choice between the Supreme Court decision and mass uprising, when the Black Caucus had very clearly given him a choice.... I've been thinking all these years that no senators WOULD sign on with the Caucus, but it seems that Wellstone, for one, would have... and that was definitely in character for Wellstone... which is why he's dead now. Shit.
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