25 April 2007

we run our black ops through pakistan

...which may not be any surprise to you. There is this simply stunningly juicy post over to A Tiny Revolution that will give you a taste of our Legislative Branch's learned helplessness. I highly recommend it, and the mp3's linked there let you hear Jay Rockefeller hoarsely mewling [Shhh! Not so loud!] about his inability to actually chair the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Meet Osama bin Laden's replacement: Jundullah leader, Abd el Malik Regi, who looks a sight fitter for the job to me. Jundullah's making incursions into Iran for us, kidnapping and killing... so we can liberate the oppressed Iranian women who suffer so under the mean ayatollahs.

And l'il ol' Rockefeller cain't do a thang abouddit. Pfeh.

"Can't afford to comment on allegations." Gnat brain might blow up a town in West Virginia, or strap his granddaughter to the train tracks or something.

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