For any who don't understand why I'm so crabby about the starving hordes spilling into the United States, it is because it is dashing the last best hope for recovering working class power -- here or anywhere else. It's a gawdawful mess, with our enforcers being merely the instruments of fascism, and progressives stooping to treating adult humans like orphaned toddlers, viciously defaming anyone who would like a comprehensive solution to the enslavement of workers -- here and everywhere else -- as racists. People keep missing the point. Check it out:
"What the immigration bill was really about was corporate America's ability to import low-skilled and high-skilled workers to keep wages down," says Warren Gunnels, a senior policy advisor to Bernie Sanders who spoke in the Senator's absence. High-skilled workers brought in on H-1B visas are paid, on average, $25,000 less per year than American workers, according to Gunnels. And last week, while Dell and IBM and Motorola and others claimed that they couldn't find Americans to take these jobs, those very companies laid off thousands of employees. So Sanders sponsored an amendment, along with Republican Charles Grassley of Iowa, to limit the number of H-1B visas to companies that are concurrently laying off workers. It never reached the floor.
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