02 September 2007

heavy going

I'm trying manfully to wade through Mussolini's The Doctrine of Fascism and my mind can barely brook the task. The doublespeak, the hubris, the thickness of the application of greed and hate over world class delusion, stultifies the orderly flow of my chi. That this rhetoric is nearly identical to the current administration's is something I didn't really need to explore... but maybe you do?


In fact, it's a study in the faulty assumptions underlying most conservative thought, even when those who think that way have no wish for a fascist state. The prevailing view is that work -- as in toiling for the enrichment of someone else -- a job -- being a wage-earner -- or, of course, providing a venue for that, is the highest expression of the true, moral, worthy human. Anyone who does not engage with this notion is a dishonest, immoral, lazy human; ergo: disposable. What makes having a job more valuable to society than, say, wandering around lending a hand wherever it seems appropriate, or being a brilliant conversationalist, or obsessively collecting everything that you come across, or any of the sorts of things on which people willingly spend their time for free? It could actually be that devoting your energy to whatever you like will turn out to be vastly more valuable to humanity than whatever you might have been able to do for pay, but most capitalists are terrified by such thinking... let alone fascists.

Desperation waves crash on my shores betimes over the incessant expression of views through partisan lenses online... everywhere. People look at everything through their preset -- conditioned -- imperatives, and everything in their experience must filter through those before they spill out into the public domain. Democrats have to see all lewdness involving other males by Republican men as homosexual hypocrisy, no mention ever of how fucking or being fucked in a way he considers seriously perverted is the only way some men can get erections at all, also no mention of this behavior being a sexualized power trip... none of that. All these guys were born homosexual and hate themselves so much for it that they are determined to ruin the lives of all honest homosexuals. I keep hearing liberals say, "Nothing wrong with the sex; it's just the hypocrisy of it." Well, yes, there is something wrong with the sex. It's anonymous. It's in public. It's illegal. It's exploitive. It's usually adulterous.... But then somebody would accuse them of being homophobic if they mentioned any of this, and if they don't mention any of this real stuff, they think the liberal agenda, never mind homosexuals, will benefit from it. Republicans view the homeless hoards as lazy, unwilling to do the work it takes to get ahead, unwilling to adapt to the vicissitudes of the free market, because allowing as how those homeless people are as deserving of a roof over their heads as anyone else would mean having to give attention, energy and, gasp, money toward solving the problem. Nobody sees fundamental reality because they haven't the courage to take off the lens of bias through which they do all their looking. We never get to discuss the real because of precisely this. Our interaction is the same as going to a movie, in terms of its contribution to ultimate progress, the elevation of life on earth.

It's almost as big a chore for me to read blogs and visit with neighbors and overhear people in public and crack open a newspaper -- let alone ever turn on a tv -- as it is to read this piece of tripe by Mussolini. And I do not mean this in an antisocial way. I just mean I'm desperate for any bits of actual sense that might emanate from humans.

We have global emergencies that need our immediate attention. We’re not giving it.

[No, seriously, if you've been able to endure just the first quarter of this stupid document, you can see he trots out the truth of the claim of pacifism being too frequently only a refuge for cowards, and then uses that to justify endless war, which is the ultimate generator of wealth for plutocrats, jobs for the virtuous, and demise of the unfit multitudes. I swear, looking at this stuff is like someone lacing your morning coffee with LSD. This shit has really got to stop, and you can't stop it if you use the same brain elision to reach your conclusions. As long as your reasoning process is identical to theirs, even though your whole basis is completely different, the world will never be rid of them, will never be rid of their wars, will never ever ever ever be concentrated on the climate crisis to the extent necessary to mitigate it. Awakening is mandatory to everything, and it's not happening.]

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