19 December 2007

my hero writes to howard dean

Dear Mr. Dean:

As the Chairman of the Democratic National Committee-
something needs your immediate attention.

As you know- the Des Moines register recently excluded
Dennis Kucinich from a debate that they co sponsored
with Iowa Public Television. I am urging you to issue
a statement condemning this action. As chair of the
democratic party, please take immediate and decisive
action that illustrates clearly that your party stands
for democracy. Your inaction and silence on this issue
is, for lack of a better word, pathetic.

Actually I have a better word, I was just being lazy:
deplorable, submissive, flim flam.

For all of you out there listening whose name is not
Howard Dean- please call him @ 202-863-8000 or email
him @http://www.democrats.org/contact to voice your

Not disgusted? Bear with me for a moment.

The Des Moines Register published benchmarks that they
had for a candidate to participate in the debate.
According to the Register, Kucinich fell short on not
having a campaign "storefront". This is not under
dispute: Marcos Rubenstein manages the Iowa campaign
out of his home office. In this day and age, with the
internet and cell phones- this amounts to a "Real
Estate tax" on running for president. All of the other
candidates have storefronts, paid for with money
contributed by major corporations.

Dennis Kucinich accepts NO corporate campaign

The Federal Elections Commission recognizes that the
Kucinich campaign has paid staff in Iowa. The IRS
recognizes the legitimacy of a home office. Across the
country, the Kucinich campaign has at least 15
high-ranking paid campaign staff members who work out
of their homes. Their offices are campaign offices.

Not disgusted yet? I know- many of of you are not.
Please bear w/ me:

Will the Des Moines Register run this story: Companies
like the AARP donate to Hillary Clinton. THEY ALSO
TELEVISION. Do they want the message to get out about

FALL. I wonder why?

DK said at the time: "It's clear that they didn't want
me upsetting their multi-billion dollar apple-cart,"
Kucinich said. "The health care plans of the invited
candidates preserve and promote the interests of
for-profit insurance and pharmaceutical companies at
the expense of tens of millions of everyday Americans
who either can't afford coverage or are being
over-charged for the inadequate coverage they struggle
to afford."
The day after the debate, The Des Moines register
then endorses Hillary Clinton.

Now that is balls! We know they are going to pull
this- but to pull this stunt- AND exclude Dennis
Kucinich, how can we allow forces so openly censor a
presidential candidate?

Truth be told, my "outrage" is fueled by the Des
Moines Register having two different sets of criteria
for the Republicans and Democrats.

As you know, Alan Keys was invited to participate.
He has no office in Iowa.
His NATIONAL office, as listed on his own website, is

I visited the Des Moines Register personally to try
and find out why. You can imagine my reception was
about as warm

Additionally, the Iowa Democratic party's spokesperson
told me in person and on camera- "we had nothing to do
with it."

Look: I believe her.

That I BELIEVE IT TO BE TRUE (I'm NOT suggesting a
pro active conspiracy here) is non the less a bit hard
to swallow. Shouldn't the Democratic party have
"something to do with it?" I know this was not a
sanctioned debate, but

With the obscene way we elect presidents in this
country- (Iowa is a local vote with a national
significance) the sloppy and irresponsible decisions
of the Des Moines register bring justifiable shame to
that publication. The lack of even a condemning
statement from the IOWA Democratic party is evidence
that they do not wish for a fair an open debate.

Combined, the exclusion of Dennis Kucinich from the
December 13th debate is yet another symptom of how
democracy is undermined by corporate interest and
party politics (or in the case of the Iowa democratic
party)- a regrettable lack of engagement in the
political process.

Howard Dean, because there will be other debates, in
other states, not "officially" sanctioned by the
democratic party- but by media partners in bed with
corporate interests- you must, immediately and
definitively issue a statement SHAMING the Des
Moines Register. In doing so, you can take one small
step toward protecting the already broken electoral
process as we move forward.

Your silence on this will indicate clearly to voters
that the Democratic party supports the silencing of
candidates like Dennis Kucinich.

If the democratic party wishes to silence a candidate
who wants to end the war;
Who wants to make non violence our organizing
Who wants to repeal the patriot act;
Who wants healthcare for all- not by compelling people
to buy into plans (as other candidates would have us
do) that will fatten the pockets of medical insurance
companies, but by simply join the rest of the
developed world and providing it healthcare for their

If the democratic party wishes- or in it's inaction-
silences such a candidate- what need do we have for

Come on Howard, step up to the plate.

Do the right thing.

Respectfully submitted,
Davis Fleetwood
December 18, 2007

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