20 February 2008

"i can't help the way i feel"

Whut? Are you a damn computer or something?

The fundamental truth is: You are life. For expediency’s sake we’ve given you a name, but everything that has happened to you does not make you a being with that name. Life itself makes you a being, and you are called something to avoid confusion.

Your individuality comes from your particular potential, the latent talents inhering your walking around on this planet. Those differ. But you’ve spent your life trying to give substance to delusion, this fictitious you, never stopping to realize you can’t say something into being, can’t act fiction into fact.

You can help how you feel. Nothing that has ever happened to you, nothing you’ve ever dreamed up, makes inevitable your feelings. You actually, fundamentally, have total control over that. It’s difficult. So gathering consensus about not being able to help how you feel seems the prudent course. It’s not. Take a gander at how much trouble that’s caused, cannot help but cause, and get back to me on it.

I keep running across reference to the old saw about there not being any such a thing as truth. Balderdash. Did you put shoes on today? Are shoes on your feet? The answer to those questions will be the truth, unless you are lying. Period.

Actuality is the truth. Did we invade Iraq because Saddam was developing WMDs? Or any of the other reasons given? Not a lick of truth in any of it. We invaded Iraq because very powerful people wanted to make insane amounts of money. There. Not hard. Just the actuality we see playing out all around us, plain as the noses on our faces.

Your essential identity is the same.

Attuning one’s actions to accord with actuality will save the planet. Nothing short of it will suffice.

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