Sorry, gotta link the print version of this because the AntiWar link will morph into the next breathless outburst from McGovern in due time, and we maybe gonna need to be distinguishing between them at some point... maybe at this point. I'm feeling crabby about this shit today because I never stop being chuffed about how well the defenders of peace and liberty amplify the administration's fear mongering. It's addictive. We have a spate of former intelligence officers, military officers, ambassadors and administrative aids all making names for themselves with their editorials and interviews. They gotta keep their fingers in the pie and so they gotta keep cranking out this stuff... and in a secretive government, you have to try to discern who's full of shit, who's just blowing more hot air and who has some real information.
And, dammit, I'm not kidding about Wilkerson. I'll go back and find it on YouTube and link you -- right here, start at 5:45 -- so you can stew over the disparity between McGovern's "by all accounts" and Wilkerson's directly contradictory account. Which of these two do you believe? I'm going with Wilkerson. Not because I like his account better, but because he flat out is more believable at this point.
[Whole Real News Larry Wilkerson interview: Part One, Part Two, and Part Three....]
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