What a headache of a day! I'm flinging myself from link to link, collecting bits:
... He wants to be a priest. That is his calling. Instead, he finds himself running nude across the Quad at Oxford and trafficking in white slavery by accident. It's hilarious.
-- I have a lot of worries right now. I worked really hard today. I'm on a break.
-- Thankfully I have new neighbors and they have sex on an almost constant basis, so I find that completely relaxing to listen to. Not that I have a choice. Last night I believe I heard the resounding whap of him slapping her ass emanating through the calm night air of my neighborhood. Now it's summer so their windows were open so the whole courtyard could hear the entire event. I love urban living. I'm not even being sarcastic.
And, no, a gorgeous 24" iMac is not in the possibility menu, I'm afraid. It would obstruct my view of the litter box and in an apartment with three ocicats, litterbox visibility is paramount in monitoring vital boom-boom production.I'm sorry you had to read that. But life is full of minor inflictions. Just last night, as I was waiting for the elevator in the lobby, a young couple from upstairs emerged from the door looking and sounding very chattery. The male of the couple was holding a box and, as I passed him to enter the elevator, he insisted on tipping the box to show me what was inside: a dead mouse curled up next to a smear of blood. Why my neighbor, whom I'd never met before, felt obliged to show me the box contents is a trivial mystery: perhaps he thought I'd never seen a dead mouse in captivity before.
Flickeringly, I find ways to simmer down....
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