A blessedly quiet Goldie Honda and I have just been reunited by the grace of my dear friend, Scott, picking me up and driving me down to the Honda Gods who make all madwomen settle right the heck on back down. I am new. I have a positive outlook! The air just got cleaner and the birds just started singing!
We were having our old you're-no-better-than-Ann-Coulter argument while zipping down the hill toward my deliverance from all things automotively terrifying, and it's put me in mind of needing to have some sort of statement here about me and my colorful speech, my colorful attitude toward saving all sentient beings.
While I appreciate the living snot out of subtleties, the more recondite the better, and gray being my favorite color, ever, ever, ever, ever even remotely imaginable, there really are adamantine polarities of right and wrong, good and evil, okay and not okay, life and death. They just aren't as you ever suppose, and certainly aren't while you're trying to drop your deluded-ass walking around self to grok Truth. But, right here in the world, there are conditions that are in fact not-to-be-endured, even though that's exactly what we are doing.
I've said a thousand times before, and will be saying it for the rest of my time, anyone who will not resort to violence under any circumstances is NOT "nonviolent". He or she is a VICIOUS COWARD. I've added the "vicious" qualifier because "coward" alone is too subtle for the "nonviolent"... for cowards.
There are a great many very powerful people who rely solely on our nonviolence to keep killing for fun and profit. If we are able to stop them without resort to violence, absolutely that is the means we should use... instanter. If we are not, then, tell me, are we nonviolent in excusing ourselves from stopping their murder sprees? [Say, vis-à-vis Iraq, Afghanistan, the starving in Haiti waiting for the food we promised... you catch my drift.] Our administration, and our legislature, with the backing of our judiciary, and some of the biggest companies in the history of business, are killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people every year. That is not a point that can be disputed. Excuses, of course, can be and are being made, but they do not alter the fact and do not excuse the fact. The ones ordering the killing and the ones excusing the killing are killers, as murderating, more, as the ones assigned the actual task. Also, by aiding Israel to the extent that we do, that is also murdering. [Palestinians and Lebanese, and maybe soon Iranians] Just opening yer goddam mouth with any support of, or distraction from, these facts, is MURDER.
So, when I talk about just shooting someone in the head, to mitigate suffering but stop their harm, I'm both using the colorful speech to emphasize to the hypnotized that we are talking about stopping murderers, and expressing that it seems to be the only way left they might actually be stopped. I mean, when your entire government is doing it, what rule-of-law option do you have left? When those in charge of executing the laws are instead breaking them to the tune of massacring whole populations, where do you turn if you are yet determined to stop the killing?
It isn't an "opinion" that people who actively try to subvert the ability to mitigate the mass extinctions of manmade global warming must be stopped dead in their tracks... unless, I guess, you think letting it proceed apace is a viable option, but that's psychotic, sociopathic, worse-than-Hitler... by many orders of magnitude.
I feel that a brilliant and potentially completely nonviolent stroke would be to simply physically go, en masse, escort these public officials and corporate big wigs from their offices and into jail, and start from scratch. I'm heavily in favor of that.
But if we can't do that, ahem, it still remains that they must be stopped.
Scott pitches fits about how can I say I am against the death penalty and yet also say that murderers should be shot in the head! I tell him that murder cannot be condoned. That murder cannot just be allowed to proceed when we see it coming, let alone see it going on. If it will not be stopped, if you can't grab perps and keep them prevented from continuing, you have to stop them anyway. You have to kill them. Or it won't stop. I'm screaming bloody murder because I don't want any killing, not even of the worst of the worst, and if we do not rise up, the one and only way it will stop is if courageous bodhisattvas stop them for everybody.
I'm no Ann Coulter. I'm telling you something colorful, that needs to be said colorfully, to hasten the day of relief from WHOLESALE SLAUGHTER.
You can't just let your knee jerk up because violent imagery is awful. You have to be able to discern when it's a murderating plutocrat abettor doing it and when it's a truth acolyte trying to bring you out of your muddle so that lives can be saved.
Killing in defense of life is not killing; it is defense of life. <=== Stop! Look!
Violent imagery in furtherance of truth is not violence; it is furtherance of truth. <=== Stop! Look!
And killing someone to prevent mass suffering isn't murder; it's preventing mass suffering. It doesn't work to try to turn it around and say, things like that's what Hitler thought. That's crap. That's yammering. That's not getting to the crux, the heart of the matter, not alleviating suffering. It's just filling time sounding thoughtful while masses suffer. Your ego, you see, feels safe with that, whereas it's terrified of being killed whenever you let your mind skim the edges of effective action. That's very risky stuff. It means there are things that matter more than just you.
There are things that matter more than just you.
You spend your life avoiding this reality, even when you will admit it. The great saints of all time were the ones who realized what mattered more than themselves and devoted themselves to looking after them.
Why it should be so difficult to awaken from this hypnosis in a deep glue pit just exasperates me so badly I can't even think of speech colorful enough to cover it!
It's imperative that you awaken. Ask anyone in Fallujah. Ask any climate scientist. Just goddam get the courage to LOOK. Please. Let it cross your mind that someone who loves the planet and the critters and the people as much as I do doesn't say this stuff just to be colorful. I'm pointing at something. I'm pointing at what we all spend so much of our time talking about, but do not ever rise from our discussion to take effective action against. This isn't acceptable. It's not okay. No matter how understandable it is: IT'S NOT OKAY.
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