I'm sorry but she is just playing the sound-like-you're-finally-going-to-do-your-job thing to pump up her single digit poll numbers. Russ Feingold pulls this trick all the time. Democrats plan a cave-in but want to keep the ruse of their opposition alive so he comes out sounding tough against it, and they just go right on ahead and cave. John Conyers does it all the time. Alternates between tough talk and complete acquiescence. Henry Waxman does it all the time. Holds hearings, the findings from which never rising to the level of actionable, no matter how actionable they are. Nancy and Harry do it occasionally. Raise their voices against something before resuming total inaction. And now that they've shredded the 4th Amendment right before our eyes, she wants to do a little damage control, here, by relighting a ray of hope in the demoralized minions. I'm sick of the TALK from these fucks. I want ACTION. I want RESULTS. I think we should dock them ten percent of their holy campaign contributions every time they open their mouths. THEY'RE JUST FUCKING WITH OUR HEADS. That's their entire job description nowadays.
[For an agonized little chuckle, take a peek at ntodd on Turdblossom's failure to appear at the House Judiciary hearing.]
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