25 August 2008

clown revolution

Now I'm having to put up with some clown who calls himself NewConstitutionalConvention taking me to task for pointing out that we have to vote for Obama if we give a shit about our fellow man. His big idea is to rig the election for Osama bin Laden. Fuck. I would a thousand times rather most of these self-styled activists just go back to sleep if they're too chicken to do the work. They just pop up with their glib shit around elections. The rest of the time, what are they doing? Yammering? Addressing it at all? What is it with these twits who think you make a third party viable at election time? No! Saps. You make the third party viable BEFORE elections so people will elect your party. Fuck! Oh, you can't? Big ol' mean MSM won't give you no play? So just come around and irk the snot out people already in agony with your idiocy then, great. This one had the gall to talk to me about the term "serious people" while proposing to disenfranchise everybody really outrageously to wake them up to their disenfranchisement... ignoring, of course, that he can't do that, and that even if he could that would leave us with a null election and X number more dead or egregiously suffering fellow humans. You fucks! You DO NOT grok the costs of your pusillanimity, your games, your whims, your self-aggrandizement at the expense of everyone else! If you and your compatriots had half the requisite testosterone, bub, you could wrap your synapses around the truth, the trouble would be over, the revolution behind us.

I hate being forced to advocate capitulation. The desperate need for the lesser of two evils makes my skin crawl. All the time in between elections we have to be finding the right people, forming stronger parties, networking, fund raising, doing all the shit necessary to change the status quo, we're doing whut? Not that. That's for sure. Then I'm wailing for everyone to make Obama into the great candidate, but noooooo, we gotta get down in the mud with the dopes so we don't look effete or something. We gotta go register people we had to sell on talking points alone, not, not, not, not, not be demanding he doesn't knuckle under to this con-job we call "campaigning". Fuck!

Those dead people in Iraq are not cartoons!

Those jobless, and homeless, and starving, and SICK people on our streets are not cartoons!

Fuck! My head is going to explode.

Okay. I just went and filled the sink with ice cubes and cold water and dunked my head in it.


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