Of the ten directions, North is the one that draws me. Maybe it is from living on the coast my whole life that there is such a marked preference. Or maybe it is more than that. Driving North always beckons me to keep going, and driving South always beckons me to stop. I do not stop, usually, though, because I want the wanting to stop to stop. It has always been this way.
I have very bad insomnia, but if the head of my bed faces North I get better sleep. When I’m in distress, when it is completely unacceptable to be in my skin, driving helps, because it makes me feel as though I am on my way out of it. In these times, I seek the relief, the attraction, the magnet of North. I do not drive in any other direction unless it is to get to be driving North.
I think it is biochemically determined. Watches stop on me. Flashlights burn out if I hold them too long. Delicate machinery breaks down when I am near. It all seems to mean my magnetic field is strong... which follows, because I definitely have more electricity running me.
I long for a nice manly form of personal feng shui to get that sorted out for me, but the message of the cosmos seems to be: Deal with it. Deal with it yourself.
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