31 December 2008

filthy murderating fucks

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I unlinked this proclamation by Hal Turner that he has received extensive hard evidence of the laundering of our aid to Israel to finance our congress, names, dates, bank accounts, the works, because after a couple days thinking about it, and looking at his blog more, he's just bugspray crazy, seriously racist, and even though it sounds true, probably even is true, he was just making it up about the proof to be sensational. Anyway, even if he wasn't, nobody can believe it until we see it. -- 2 Jan.

Sometime later the same day: Evidently the comments about his white supremacistude were not just terms of endearment.... I drilled my source and it turns out it was some friend of Rivero's who seems to think it's real. I can't for the life of me figure out why this maniac would be the recipient of such information, or why he'd blab like this if he weren't. I'd've turned it all into PDFs and posted it everywhere on earth immediately. Vexing anomaly.

Thing is: His charges sound so believable. They have that ring to them.

Otherwise, I'd just go, pfeh and forget it. I note he's plugging ABC and FOX on his site... the two worst... so I hope he's not planning on getting them to help him. Actually, nobody can help him if certain parties take this seriously. Stone cold killers from both sides of the Atlantic aren't pleased to hear this. And if you think it's just a lot of drama, ask the DC Madam or Michael Connell or the 9/11 victims or Ahmed Bouchikhi or Ardeshir Hosseinpour or that poor guy they hung the anthrax attacks on... and they'll have the names of his six buddies in under a minute.

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