23 December 2008

i can tell everyone is quite relieved

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All kinds of reports of the Russians shipping the fancy missiles to Iran and two days after the shipment has left the dock, we tell them they better not do it, and they go, oh, we won't, we won't, and don't bother taking down the announcements in their news services that it's already happened. Then somebody mentions about getting directly to START-1 talks, and they agree, with sizable arsenal reductions grouchily thrown in besides, in the very hours wherein they're supposedly placing orders for a bunch more nukes. What the heck. Israel has got to be frustrated beyond discussing because everyone's yanking their chain, and nobody's getting manipulated into nuttin', and they can't even threaten credibly to attack Iran themselves now, and, well, shit, now they have no way to spite that short hairy guy who doesn't hold with their genocidal proclivity.

Yes, everyone must be quite relieved. They're downright playfully giddy of late. All this aside from the hairy eyeball gig on the India/Pakistan front....

Anyway, I'm glad they're happy. I wonder if it ever crosses any of these fuckers' minds that they are scaring the living snot out of millions of people? Does that feel good or something?

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