26 December 2008



I need to know if you can read the comments at all. Evidently, some browsers are not letting you read comments on this consarn new-fangled HaloScan, and some aren't letting you make comments, even though you can read the rest of them, and I'm going postal. I'm pitching deep purple polka dotted hissies all over my front room and calling and screaming at techno geeks and peeing all over my rug, I'm so pissed off. Even if yer a lurker! Just try to make a comment as "lurker [+ your mother's initials]" and see if your comment stays where you put it. It might seem to post but then when you refresh the window it's gone. It might leave out the screen name you chose, but stay posted. It might not let you do diddly.

Please, I'm begging you. I will never divulge your email address. I will personally kill anyone who ever spams you. This shit is driving me crazier than I was to start out with and I gotta have the ammo to shoot these KAOS agents right smack dab in the middle of their third eyes with.

Please. Just try to comment and then a short email with a short description of problem or no problem, which browser you used, and then I can shoot the KAOS Agents with it.


UPDATE: Messages dribbling in from across the browser spectrum and they're all telling me their comments disappear after posting them. Blood is dripping from my eyes and ears. But, please, if you haven't tried commenting yet, please still do. The comment probably will seem to post and then when you refresh the window or close it and come back, it will be gone. Bluebear2 and Big Dan seem to be the only ones so far having any luck saying things here today... and I don't know what's different about them from the others....


UPDATE: The crisis seems to have passed, but I'm still unsure everyone is getting through, so, please, give it a test run and if your comment is disappearing, please, please let me know. Thank you. Thank you. I'm all mellow now because I'm hopped up on downers or my emotions blasted all the plaque from my nerves or because I just got on the scale and I have lost ten pounds this month. Pick. xoxoxox

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