04 January 2009

it is SO NOT your duty to watch this video

[click image]

Raw footage from the aftermath of an Israeli air strike on a Gaza market... with people there... civilians... in pieces... men... women... little kids.... Raw footage of display of homemade rockets killing a bunch of people in 2005.... Some joker put it up all over the net last night and lied about its provenance. The propagation of the lie seems to be getting fixed everywhere I found it, too....

Whoever pulled it was displaying extremely Israeli propagandistic impulses. Found this flash of pre-invasion propaganda that may illustrate my point. Look at the AP shots of people who are just as likely not Palastinian, with some pretty spiffy-looking little rockets and contrast them with the crude gadgets displayed in this image page of the relative damage.

[Trying to track it back to the perp.]

[Ironically, there really WAS a hit on a vegetable market in Gaza....]

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