05 January 2009

who should live forever

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For those of you who have only ever known the damned and benighting PC, you really only have the vaguest idea of the way life could be. I am an authority on this. Having succumbed to the desire to sync with other legal professionals two decades ago, I went against my nature and bought a hotrod PC. The agonies of that completely mistaken concession to How Things Are Done shall and should not be listed, as you are aware of them, acutely aware of them, even as you know not what your life could actually be. I, at least, recognized my silly error, and am made to rue it all over again every time I visit my mother or others so completely computer illiterate that I can be of service to them. They are in hell. You are in hell. We all are in hell, but maybe it is only those of us who use Macs who truly know the dimensions of it, since we are spared the worst of it and also having to deal with those of you not this fortunate every day. Steve Jobs should live forever.

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