06 March 2009

throwing over the tv liar surgeon for the guy who should be president

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Right at the end of Dean's run in 2004, during the Diane Sawyer interview, but before the alleged scream, I had decided he did not actually want to be president, despite his nearly two years of yelling his head off for sense to be brought to the fore in America for a goddam change. For sure his wife was completely not into the prospect of First Lady, anything involving social intercourse at all. That was creepily clear. Then Sawyer asked them some embarrassing question or other and they both answered in such a completely disingenuous fashion that I lost heart right there. After considering, I think it wasn't even their natural mode of dealing with uncomfortable questions. They simply weren't into being subjected to Sawyer's shtick, the whole MSM circus, seemed to be trying to disappear from her presence while in it. Howard Dean can barely stand the bullshit fascist media. That's become more clear over the years. He found a way to talk with them, a no-nonsense-do-not-play-into-their-set-ups-ignore-their-crap way of using their services and getting the hell out. Excellent.

I find I still think Howard Dean is the best man we have for the job of president... even if he chickened out... maybe even his chickening out makes him better-suited. My friend, Old Uncle Dave and I have long agreed that wanting the job should be immediate disqualification for it. And, he didn't chicken out on the issues. He chickened out on the snake pit of press and politicians, and that makes him a better human than the rest of them. He then went directly to picking the Democratic Party up off the floor and making it possible for them to get back control of Congress and the White House. He is why Obama got far enough to be allowed to be the nominee, allowed to be president. I know I've mentioned before, but it never seems as though anyone has noticed: Obama did almost an exact replay of Dean's campaign, only smoothly. That wasn't an accident and the original helped him. If only the original could make him perform.

So anyway, note how Liar Gupta went from the man to whom Cinderella offered the post within days of stepping out of his pumpkin now to "withdrawing his name from consideration" for the post. Isn't that clever?

I don't know how substantively Dean can help America as Surgeon General, but I know he'll do a great job if he gets it.

[Crikey. It's now 11pm and it just now occurred to me that Dean probably wouldn't make the bargain with the devil, and Kerry agreed to take the dive so Hillary, who'd already made it clear she would make the bargain, could run in '08. I think this because I could feel when Obama made the bargain. He suddenly sounded more confident and as suddenly his wording on his positions started changing. Very soon thereafter he got the nomination, despite Hillary's hellfire. It was perfect. He was wildly more popular than she was, and it was hard to keep us all thinking she was it in the face of all that. Perfect. Let the masses have their man, for all the good it will do them. The idea had been to have Hillary, and they were cheating her numbers in some of the primaries toward getting her, but Obama made the bargain and they got out of his way. McCain was never in the game, never approved. That's why he picked Pig Lips.


Howard Dean was way so the frontrunner in 2004. He wouldn't make the bargain.

So dropped like a stone.]

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