02 April 2009

ward churchill won

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Earlier today, Ward Churchill won his case for wrongful termination. That very totally rocks.

He is a good teacher, and I hope for all our kids he gets his job back.


  1. This man was demonized during the Bush years. He was a scapegoat for rightwing hatred.

    The climate has changed, I don't think it would've changed much if we had president McCain. And vice president Palin...and soon President Palin, after McCain croaks very soon.

    Wait'll McCain croaks before 2012, the blogosphere will be filled with stories: "Thank god, we would've had President Palin!"

    You would've love that, right 99? President wolf/polar bear killer!

  2. I don't care if Obummer is light years better than they would have been, he still sucks planets. He's virtually GWB. He's screwing the little people with every breath so far.


  3. I don't always agree with Ward but in his former world isn't that what it's about? Oh right the thought police are every were.


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