25 May 2009

federal judge thrashes holder over siegelman mess

[click image]

He deserves a whuppin' for letting this get so evil and stupid.


  1. http://www.atlargely.com/atlargely/2009/05/full-11th-circuit-appeals-court-declines-to-hear-siegelman-case-he-is-done.html

    His Lawyer is in the comment area of this link.

  2. Yeah, I don't think there's any danger Siegelman will be sent back to jail. I'm just chuffed Holder hasn't gotten the Republican ops out of the US Attorneys' offices, and letting them pull this crap. Evidently the judge is chuffed about it too. I also don't think there is any danger of the culprits being prosecuted for this travesty, and that makes me even angrier.

  3. . I also don't think there is any danger of the culprits being prosecuted for this travesty, and that makes me even angrier.

    Yep, thats one of the great thing about the old WH and the new one, no one is respondible for their crimes. Oh except us little people that is.


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