30 May 2009

i don't want to be anywhere near this test

[click image]

And it tends to prove out to me why the president can come out so strongly on the NO nukes thing. To be fair, he had been interested and engaged in putting a lid on loose nukes as a senator, but to go from *'s majorly proliferative "mini-nukes" craze to no nukes, unless it's sort of like his no torture torture thing, seemed only to indicate to me that we have a whole new set of unreachably devastating weapons that won't require things as clumsy as nukes and now want to get the clumsy killers away from everyone. I know he's not an evil droid, thinking expressly in these terms. I'm sure he's against nuclear weapons use, and I'm sure he was delighted to find out that it would not only be welcome, but strategically astute, to come out and announce his drive to get nuclear weapons off the face of this earth. I'm sure he's not thinking about the hypocrisy and evil "security state" implications of it at all.

Oh, and, please, next time you hear Obama, or anyone mouthing his talking points, say that his number one duty is to keep us safe, will you please scream, "No! Your number one duty is to protect the Constitution. You putz."

Thank you.


  1. Paste being wiggy again


  2. indicate to me that we have a whole new set of unreachably devastating weapons that won't require things as clumsy as nukes I never thought of that angle...


  3. test:

    After posting once it lets me paste.

  4. Dump all the knife drawers into a suitcase (ala the movie FIREWALL)

    Was firewall propaganda for gps tracking?



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