26 May 2009

i was sure someone would have nuked them by now

[click image]

I was just griping somewhere about people treating other humans as though they were cartoons or characters in novels, and I am beginning to think that might be optimal in the case of North Korea, even if I can't quite get there yet myself. What possible good can come of this action? What in the hell are they trying to accomplish? Do they want the world to feed them lest they nuke us? Is that it?

Wait a minute. Just as I'm thinking this, it occurs to me, HOW do we know any of this happened at all? The news? Al Jazeera has a guy reporting from the DMZ. What is that going to tell him? Bubkes. Maybe they just want us to think the North Koreans are this psychotic. I still don't believe they tested their first nuke, so why am I letting myself believe they tested a second and are shooting off missiles to keep us from verifying it? Maybe they're shooting off missiles to keep us from planting enough radiation.

How can you tell nowadays?

You, fucking, outright CAN'T.

1 comment:

  1. Recently I just watched Globetrekker goes to Korea. (PBS) He was at the DMZ in those stupid fucking buildings with the tables.


    he talks about it a little deeper here.

    Sadly I can only find a 5 min sneak peek of Season 8, Episode 11: South Korea

    I think the whole trt: 43:23 is available if you install the veoh plugin. (I have removed that plugin cause it caused me problems--it does work though, and you still can do 5 min without it.)

    Not sure if your veoh capable (cookies, scripts, advertisments, adult, NSFW--Warning...!! )


    Gotta love Ian Wright!



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