29 June 2009

something of a relief

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Maybe Americans aren't quite so crazy as they've been seeming on the net. Still, if I recall correctly, it used to be ninety-something percent against direct action on Iran. Nobody said anything about the indirect action, so that must be why * and Fudd and Obummer haven't felt constrained by public opinion on that....

Earlier, I was again hassling back and forth with a dear friend in Tehran who has by now blown Ahmadinejad into Pol-Pot-esque proportions for failing to work with the disgruntled masses in Tehran. I'd have suggested taking an automobile tour of Iran to get a sense of the big picture, but those toes are dug into the pavement so hard, I fear nothing objective could come of it. So I tried mentioning his popularity with Hugo Chávez, and Rafael Correa, and Evo Morales, to suggest that his motives might not be as people-unfriendly, as reform-unfriendly, as it's being made out to be. But instead of easing the ire, it just spread it into South America. Just stultifying. Why do the haves and have mores of the world always think democracy is about getting them more, instead of getting everybody more?

Why is the human mind so easily conditioned to arc toward feudalism?

These guys are all friends of Iran and Russia, all facing down U.S. backed coups, covert ops and constant assassination threats to get more of their countries' resources and wealth flowing to the masses instead of only to the outrageously wealthy few, a few who to a man and to a woman bask in bribe riches from the United States while their countrymen live in cardboard crates and slave away for pennies that can't feed even one person, let alone a family. How could anyone over the age of 35 in Tehran have forgotten that?

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