I'm just going to edit the snot out of this not-as-bad-as-the-AP Reuters piece for you to juxtapose with Hillary's avidity for carnage. I think I may have too much of a headache to go wild on it, so it's probably going to be less vivid than usually suits, but I spent upward of three hours pleading with a completely unreasonable friend about this last night and these Iranians I know seem to be the most incensed by the weakness of mind or character proper attribution for the trouble implies. This is stone cold goofy, because it implies no such things, but they are beside themselves in denial of our ability to manipulate them to such an extent.
On the one hand, that's understandable because none of us appreciates that action, but stopping to fume about the insult of it fails completely in DEALING with it effectively... and I think my dream after all that work had something to say about this, too, but you can puzzle that out if you want or ignore it. It doesn't matter.
Ahmadinejad: Iran will "bring down" Western foesAnd so ends my feeble and loopy attempt to inject a little sense into this psychotic polemic for today. Carry on or stop and look... as you will... oh, yes, as you will, because certainly I am completely no one to mention sanity and decency....
Thu Jul 16, 2009 12:29pm EDT
TEHRAN (Reuters) [and 99] - Newly re-elected President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Thursday his next government "would bring down the global arrogance," signaling [his righteous indignation over the ongoing concerted efforts by Western agents provocateurs and assassination squads to destabilize Iran].
Ahmadinejad, in his first provincial trip after the June 12 presidential vote, said Iran's enemies had tried to interfere and foment aggression in the country, referring to mass opposition protests against the official election result.
The [beset] president, who often rails against the West, [though much less and more cogently than we rail against him, very reasonably] said the Islamic Republic wanted "logic and negotiations" but that Western powers had insulted the Iranian nation and should apologize.
Iranian leaders often refer to the United States and its allies as the "global arrogance." [Which encourages anyone depressed about the whole world having gone mad....]
"As soon as the new government is established, with power and authority, ten times more than before, it will enter the global scene and will bring down the global arrogance," he told a big crowd in the northeastern city of Mashhad. [And if this has been translated correctly, it should be taken to mean that it is the intention of the Iranian regime to stand against the arrogant bastards trying to drum up excuses to invade Iran.]
"They should wait as a new wave of revolutionary thinking ... from the Iranian nation is on the way and we will not allow the arrogant (powers) to even have one night of good sleep," Ahmadinejad said, according to state broadcaster IRIB. [This was meant to warn the enemy agents in Iran that they can't sleep safely while on Iranian soil, but, heck, better to make it sound like a threat to the United States and Britain, don't you think? Much more entertaining....]
Opposition leader Mirhossein Mousavi, Ahmadinejad's main challenger in the election, says [on the advice of his handlers] it was rigged in the incumbent's favor. The authorities reject charges of vote fraud [and have bent over backward to show the basis for their rejection of these charges].
Iran has accused Britain and the United States, which have criticised a crackdown on opposition protests, of interfering in its internal affairs. London and Washington reject the charge [despite massive evidence in the media and in speeches that the charge is 100% valid].
"In this recent election the enemy tried to bring the battlefront to the interior of this country," Ahmadinejad said.
"But I have told the enemies ... that this nation ... will strike you in the face so hard you will lose your way home," he said in comments translated by English-language Press TV. [And again you have to put back in what has been elided to see that he is referring to the Western provocateurs and assassins infesting Iran, not threatening anyone outside Iran's borders.]
He also voiced continued defiance in a row over Iran's disputed nuclear ambitions, saying major powers "will not be able to take away the smallest amount of Iran's rights." [Imagine any leader being defiant over our efforts to take away their country's rights... some nerve... must be smoking crack.]
Iran says its nuclear program is for peaceful power purposes. Western countries suspect it is aimed at making bombs. [And neither position amounts to a hill of beans because even if Iran developed nuclear weapons, they would not under any circumstances be so suicidal as to use them for a first strike.]
I mean, it's not as though much is at stake, or anything....