I'm spending the rest of the day listening to all these Parenti lectures again.
I dreamed last night of an important communication successfully communicated, but all I can remember was the relief of succeeding, and that I'd done it with a famous man's help. I'm not going to beat myself up for being too whupped to hold on to this salient bit this time. I'm just going to keep listening to these lectures because of the quality of Michael Parenti's insight and the precision with which he communicates distinctions it is crucial be made.
His points about the "dominant paradigm" and the "liberal complaint" being the facile substitute for "radical analysis" are adamantine and dazzling, no matter how many times you hear him repeating them. They should be programmed into a chip one can have implanted in one's brain.
Yes. They should.
And, golly, I think I found a new one...
and another!
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