I insist you listen to this! It's only a half hour. I get that you don't have time to listen to all the hours and hours of stuff I post here, but this is the essence of it, distilled into a mere half hour. It was Michael Parenti describing how fascism arose in Italy and Germany, what it was about, what fascism does... completely apart from the war and its atrocities... just everyday fascism. He was speaking back in the early 90's when the Savings and Loan thing was still fresh, but everything he was saying about the nature and actions of fascism are directly on point today. Right now. Right now.
I posted Greenwald's whole item, complete with all the links, and you have to read that stuff with this in mind. This is what is happening, what must be stopped. It's no less vital it be stopped now than it was then.
You can get rid of the hiss – considerably improving the sound – if you fully attenuate the 8K and 16K bands of the iTunes Equalizer. I've also attenuated the 4K band a notch.
ReplyDeleteWhile the voice doesn't sound quite as natural with these settings, I find my cognition significantly improved – the hiss makes me mental.
Michael is a treasure!
Oh, there was no hiss on the player... or not that I could hear over the waterfall out my window...? But that's some good information to have.
ReplyDeleteParenti is transcendental. He just cuts through all the obscuring head trips and gets down to it.
I notice some of the recordings of him make him sound too high-pitched, too nasal. His voice is really deeper than that. I also notice that some of the stuff has been speeded up -- probably by broadcasters == to fit a time frame.
I need to get some kind of recording device so I can get the sound on some of this stuff and fix it.
I also need to become a movie director... :-P
So much to do. So little time.... xoxoxox
Who'd a guessed?
ReplyDeleteThe CIA's kill teams were modeled on Israel's hit squads
I need to get some kind of recording device
ReplyDeleteHere's one:
It opens with the latest version - click on the "Previous Versions" window for earlier Mac OS.
or search for others
I remember being shocked about Israel's hit teams. Horrified. Who would think there could be Americans who thought that was a good idea.... :(
ReplyDeleteI think the downloading part is doable, but the re-recording of it on something where I can adjust levels and edit out stuff like introductions, or just lift sections, I think requires something more....?
You need an audio editor - let me see what I can find.
ReplyDeleteI have a couple, but they are windows based.
Yes. I need to convert stuff to sound files and edit them. I guess there's plenty of downloading and converting help online, but I gotta figure out the editing thing....