... and suddenly this asshole comes on, eulogizing Cronkite, and, I'm not kidding, I had the same visceral reaction to the sound of his voice in my air as I did whenever * opened his yap. Yessir. It's happened. The very cells of my body revile Obama as of today.
As you can see in the below post comments, I was also immediately concerned with the knowledge that I would go postal if I had to hear any in our fascist media eulogizing Cronkite, and now you will also see Joely pointing out that Glenn Greenwald, a stouter soul in these matters than I, has put precisely my sentiment into words and links beautifully.
Maybe the most dazzling feature of this continually brilliant approach of his to stating my case for me is that he is even younger than the president, but very clearly not heedless and ignorant... ignoring... and vain.
So it isn't really the youth that is the problem, now is it? I know we attribute these gaping holes in the mindscape of probity to youth, and have a basis for it because we have grown to regret those wasted and harming years in our own lives, but perhaps it is precisely our tendency to cut them slack because of this that perpetuates the brutalities occasioned by these yawning chasms where decency and attention and courage belong.
There's something totally inauthentic - disingenuous even - about Obama when he talks about things Walter did that he couldn't possibly have observed, like the 1963 coverage of the Kennedy assassination, when Obama was two years old.
Yes. That's a big part of it in this instance, but also that he's such a complete sellout with the chutzpah to come on the air, all paternalistically soothing the grieving nation, conferring the "honor" of a presidential mention on a man with more decency in his little finger than Obama will have in his whole life.
ReplyDeleteI was thinking I would go postal if I had to hear any of our fascist media anchors and pundits eulogizing Cronkite... could see the bile splatting against my monitor... but was shocked to find that fucking too familiar feeling of my platelets trying to run away the moment his voice came in my air.
Yes, but don't you think that little upswing at the end of practically every sentence is kinda cute?
ReplyDeleteArry! Hi!
ReplyDeleteNo. I don't think there's anything cute about Obama anymore... but :-P very astute of you to notice.... :o)