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I don't know where exactly to come down on this. While it's idiotic to blame the economy on Obama, it is reasonable to hold him accountable for a spate of "bad decisions" -- assuming, of course, he had any input in them whatsoever. I know it may not have been an option to let the banks fail because it would have caused other countries to go so far as to declare war against us, but at the same time, I have a creeping feeling that letting all those financial institutions crash and burn, while merely keeping the people and businesses afloat, here and abroad, would have been far more effective and far less expensive... in both dollars and human suffering. I'm no economist, but I know that much of it is deliberately complicated to allow for felonies to seem legal, and that awareness of certain realities enable one to spot which economists are persons of good will and which should be... well... shot.
08 August 2009
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I hear the sucking sounds already!
Comment editor acting weird today - when I hit "Post Comment" it goes to the preview screen. When I close the preview screen it posts.
ReplyDeleteBut then it didn't do it that time?
That time it showed the preview screen for a split second then posted.
ReplyDeleteFind me a wealthy socialist gentleman and I will create a blog where the comments are not only easy and fun but completely reliably functional.
ReplyDeleteShort of that, I'm fucked.... Unless there's a new compatible commenting system I have not found, the rest of it is even more objectionable than the native Blogger commenting application.
I really, really want my own site and to quit relying on this free stuff over which I have no ultimate control, but it would involve getting someone to help me with all the code to have things the way I want, and getting the optimal kind of web hosting... like out of the country... and while it probably isn't a huge outlay, it's for sure more than I can do right now.
ReplyDeleteI don't think it will this bad but 40% is about right with the hole they've dug. Dog I miss Molly I
Everything is on schedule, please move along.
I was thinking that, too. Guys like Alex Jones are attacking Obama, instead of the guys really pulling the strings. Presidents are puppets anymore, not the people pulling the strings. But, that also means the president, whoever it may be, doesn't have enough guts to fight these people.
ReplyDeleteI think it's misdirected, when guys like Alex Jones attack Obama, and make him the figurehead for everything that's gone wrong.
Let's put it this way: it's now like Alex Jones has forgotten that Bush/Cheney were ever president. Like they never existed. That really pisses me off!!!
ReplyDeleteWould Sibel Edmonds have been able to speak under Bush/Cheney? Sibel Edmonds DIDN'T speak under Bush/Cheney, she was gagged. She STILL wouldn't have spoken under Bush/Cheney. Six months into the Obama administration, she speaks. Sibel Edmonds Speaks.
ReplyDeleteAlex Jones spends most of his time attacking the people who pull the strings. He screamed at the top of his lungs about * and Fudd and now they're gone and it's Obama's turn. That's why they bother to keep a president, to be a target for people's ire.
ReplyDeleteAnd "Sibel Edmonds speaks"? Please. What did she say? Is the video out yet? Has she said anything she hasn't already said a thousand times? Or is everyone merely responding to the same old tug-yer-patriotic-heart-strings shit about her being gagged?
I don't want to defend Alex Jones, except when people try to impugn his basic decency, because it's clear to me the guy has a heart the size of Jupiter, no matter what failings accompany it.
Obama deserves the worst condemnation we can hurl at him, Danny. He has sold us down the river. He has sold the Constitution down the river. He is AS BIG A PILE OF DOG CRAP AS * WAS.... Though, yes, there are others more powerful and more deserving of our ire, more deserving of being hunted down and vaporized.
"That's why they bother to keep a president, to be a target for people's ire."
ReplyDeleteThat's all the more reason he should be attacking those people. It's useless to just attack whoever's president. Don't you think? Those people remain in the dark, like they want. They want you to attack whoever's president. Go from Bush to Obama.
Sibel Edmonds has it on record now, official record. That's a step in the right direction. She was floundering for years.
How come Alex Jones never talks about or condemns torture?
How come Alex Jones had a show on FOX "news", and never talked about 9/11?
ReplyDeleteThe reason FOX "news" let him have a show, is because they knew he was attacking Obama. They didn't let him have a show during the Bush years. Coincidence? So, Alex Jones is "controlled" to some extent.
ReplyDeleteThat being said, in general, I like Alex Jones. I have his links on my site for years. But I am suspicious of some things about him.
ReplyDeleteI just hate when people expose truth, but not all the truth. It seems he toned it down on the Israeli's, too, as well as torture. He strictly bashes Obama.
ReplyDeleteHe goes every year to the Bilderberger thing with a megaphone. He is in touch with everyone who knows anything at all about any of those ultra-secret organizations who mess you up with goons when you get in their way. He's gotten closer to the real guys than almost everyone.
Obama is the number one reason those fucks are still alive after what they have done to us.
Nobody could dis him hard enough!
Impeach him and throw him in prison with * and Fudd.
And, nobody is going to get 9/11 Truth raised to the level of general consensus. Ever. We have done too many heinous things on the basis of that excuse. You could have videos of the guys planning it and it wouldn't change a thing. The last hope died when Obama made it clear that he wouldn't stand for that shit.
ReplyDeleteGet used to it. I think even Alex Jones, who has worked harder than anyone on it, is getting used to that, Danny.
These health care town hall meetings are being disrputed (proven) by billionaire astroturfers, and the legit Americans at them are enraged for false reasons these billionaires are telling them. And Alex Jones is NOT pointing this out! In fact, he's saying the OPPOSITE: that they are legitimate protests and the people who are against them are "stifling dissent".
ReplyDeleteAlex Jones has not said ONE WORD about astroturfing and outing the corporations and billionaires financing these "protests".
ReplyDeleteAnd he's doing the opposite: he's portraying them as REAL! Can he do more harm than this?
-=[ Phil =-
ReplyDeleteThe Debt Star
(I like my logo better)
And before you ask. Yes, you all have permission to spread it far and wide. No copyright nonesense, no BS.
The Alex Jones thing..
While he is correct, accurate in my opinion about some things, I get the feeling that he's somehow telling us to become violent. Even his ad's are based on fear. And as some have pointed out, he ignores some things completely. The whole "Amero" thing is utter crap if you ask me. I don't know what his stance on that now is.. But back when I first started hearing about the Amero being minted in Denver, I did some digging around, found it tied to the White Supremicist Ted Turner. I even contacted the Artist who MADE the Amero. As was pointed out the coins said "DC" on them, which stood for Daniel Carr http://www.dc-coin.com/ (Daniel is *Not affiliated* with Ted Turner) Anyway George Noory always seems to have a guest come on and keep spreading this lie. I pointed this out to George Noory, and he ignores my contact.
On the other hand Alex Jones talks about the Trans Texas Corridor (That superhighway) which is actually happening. (Maybe we should be investing in commodities in Mexico?)
Alex, I believe get's it right about Swine Flu also.
Finally, About Sibel Edmonds.
I thought this was going to be a big media event, and the cameras were going to roll inside the room with the actual testimony.
From what I can tell it's only a few DIY types (like myself) with camera's, and zero corporate media coverage.
Yesterday I suggested the tapes be duplicated and stored off site. Today I keep my mouth shut and hope nothing goes bad.
On the one hand while I salute her integrity, hearing Brad talk about trouble editing and rendering and publishing is very worrysome to me. I'M VERY WORRIED.
Like you clearly point out 99, I see no transcript, no audio, and no video. I don't care if it's 5 hours long, get something published already. Hell if it's 5 hours, it takes 5 hours to dump to computer, and several minutes to rip the audio track, and several minutes to publish that audio track (as one big thing or in parts) Or even streaming ala BlogTalkRadio style. I do understand compression of video takes time (Actually I hate it, I hate the whole thing with web video it's a complete pain in the ass from a quality standpoint. I'd rather publish a broadcast quality show. But I digress we are not talking about "quality" we are talking about getting the story out correctly and quickly.
Furthermore I also wonder what's next. Cause the sound the Corporate media is making is silent.
Someone should get a fucking 1394 to 1394 cable, two miniDV's, duplicate those tapes and mail them to the Corporate media. What's hard about that?
I also hope it wasn't just the one camera guy. People don't realize that it takes more than one person to do this, and the lights need to be available. It's like this whole thing to me was they just wanted to run with it, and the camera's and documents were an after thought.
Even in the first video published by VR on YT, I notice the comment saying, they asked us to leave the room? WTF!?
I thought you were supposed to be there!!! I thought it was open to the public.
Alright, with that said, I hope to hell nothing goes bad. This is way too serious to potentially have someone get their life ruined over and not be in the fucking media every day!
Danny, Alex Jones is also a climate change denier, thinks it's all a hoax to get more taxes out of us. The wingnuts I know, are NOT mad about "socialism" or "higher taxes" or any of that crap. They are mad for the same reasons WE are mad. This new bill is NOT universal health care; it's "health insurance reform". So people bitching, for whatever reason, are mostly on the side of getting health care, THEN you have these trillionaire fucks sending in the Brown Shirts on top of that. So, I think the one thing we should focus on BESIDES NOT GETTING UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE is that the fascists are sending in the Brown Shirts, that we ARE Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy circa 1930s.
ReplyDeleteAnd Alex Jones can't possibly be too anti-Obama for me. Barring some major epiphany turning him around, he is as much our enemy as * and Fudd ever were.
Phil, yes, this is a bad sign on the Sibel deposition for sure. Krikorian owns the video. Sibel and Brad can only whine for it. He's hoping to beat Mean Jean in the next election and so I say there isn't much of a chance he's going to let that video out. It would hurt him with the party big boyz. I hope I am wrong, but I think this is yet again a lot of sound and fury signifying nothing.