05 August 2009

it was the last part on earth not working correctly

[click image]

So I've got Goldie back, unfixed, but still able to limp around until maybe, and only distantly maybe, they can get me some used carbs from a wrecking yard and have them rebuilt by the only guys who do it, who also may not even be in business anymore.

I'm not kidding about needing that wealthy socialist gentleman! This is not good. But at least I can get out from underfoot here for the moment and make my way back, or part way back, or....

Possibly the buddhas of the ten directions will intervene as they deem appropriate. They showed great mercy at the lab after that frickin' traffic jam yesterday. That was definitely the not-subject/not-blind koan gig rewarding me for not going postal, not picking the thread of selfhood with which to strangle all sentient beings. I'm not doing a good enough job, but not 100% backslid into the glue pit either....

This car thing is terrifying. You can't even contemplate how devastating the no wheels thing is in my situation.

I think, though, that I'm going to have nothing but time to contemplate it....

I don't know why I don't give a damn about the news today, but maybe I will have a burst of enthusiasm for it later, or I may be trying to get back home, or get somewhere.... So if it goes completely quiet here, I'm traveling and will get back to you as soon as I am able.


  1. Maybe we can make those VW bus carbs I have in my garage work for you!

    I've got lots of duct tape!

  2. That song really sucks!

    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhk Runaway runaway!

  3. I thought that song was perfectly expressive of my picklement!

    And I know Phil will love it. There's this whole population of people who are actually soothed by that sort of din, and Phil makes that sort of din with his band. I think I finally understand! They're all perpetually in a state of losing their only means of transportation forever....

    Maybe a new VW would be better. One of those little convertible jobs I see all over the place now. Would you buy me one?

    If I get you a boy turtle?????


  4. The college rock band I briefly played in before I went folk would play 19th Nervous Breakdown.

    When it got to the part:

    Here it comes, here it comes, here comes my 19th nervous breakdown

    I would kick the reverb right before here comes my 19th nervous breakdown.

    It was one of those old kinds with the springs inside and it would make the most splendid crash when given a size 13 square to its middle!

  5. And I know Phil will love it.

    LOL, if I had closed my eyes prior to playing it I would have suspected Phil created it!

  6. Is that gal taking her last breath?

    Looks like once she exhaled she would not be able to inhale!

  7. It's supposed to illustrate the horror of abject frustration, but her face is too smoothly letting out that scream, so I think she's really just yelling at a servant or something and is unable to get enough air in to make enough noise.........

  8. -=[ Phil ]=-

    Nice, I finally just figured out why I couldn't post here. I had iframes blocked completely. the virus virut.ce used iframes and I vowed I won't be getting that crap again. Sadly this means I won't be posting here again, or at least not without going through a complete reload of all my squid filtering rules each frigging time cause your "Post Comment" editor and field - IS AN IFRAME! ahhhhhhhhhh!

    Don't feel bad though it's ALL *.blogspot.com websites use the same Iframe for the editor.

    So if you got a blogspot site. I won't be visiting any time soon. I'll read and sandbag though.

    Anyway, let me set some stuff straight.

    I don't play in the band I recently sent you the videos of.
    While I have nothing against punk (like blackflag) it's not my favorite stuff.
    Suff like this
    or this

    As you can see it's totally different than punk/anarchy. There are HAPPY punk bands and unhappy punk bands, I like the happy ones better.

    Regarding Cars, I stopped driving in 1991.

    You don't have a car for a week? Blagh, that's nothing, you'll live.

    I've been in a situation where I had to change the head gasket overnight. And be at work the next day shoveling, hauling, and dumping rocks and dirt. (Ford Courier)

    I used to have an old 54 Ford Truck. I got to the point where I could change the transmission in it in 15 minutes flat.

    The older the car the easier to fix. You don't need a socialist gentalman you need set of wrenches, screwdrivers, sockets, hex wrenches, common sense, and no fear of getting your knuckles bloody, or little fingers cut. (usually happens when things slip)

    These new computerized cars, are crap. I don't care how much they cost or what their gas mileage is. If you get one of those your locked into dealing with a mechanic. period. You won't have the computer he has. While you can fix some small things, the drive train and engine ain't one of em

    If I have any advice for working with a carb (whether you rebuild it yourself or have someone rebuild it) when you put it back on make damn sure you use a locking clamp on the gas line. (My stupid ass father unknowingly almost killed me and my mom cause of this) A fire extinguisher doesn't hurt either. Not just any fire extinguisher, you want one that puts out gas, oil and electrical fires. mount it inside your car somewhere.

    The alternative is not so bad. Walking. It's hard at first, but after a few years you get better at it. Once you master walking, you'll want to get a bike. For survival you'll want to at least have a friend to haul groceries every week or so.

    A car isn't necissary contrary to popular belief.

    Sorry this stupid browser doesn't have a spell checker.

    -=[ Phil ]=-

  9. I live waaaaaaaaaaaay out in bumfuck nowhere, Phil! I can't do without my wheels. If I lived in the Metropolis, I would happily do without a car.

    Sorry about the commenting hassle for you! And, sorry, I got the genre wrong on yer crashing and banging faves!


  10. It's all good.

    And I am sorry about the crap I did on Bradblog the other day.

    I am so tired of this stuff.

    -=[ phil ]=-


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