I guess I ought to warn you that this is narrated by a most irritatingly droning bozo who attributes all this to the dreaded secret societies. I link it here as a reminder of the size of the devastation that can be and is being covered up by the fascist-owned and controlled media.... I mean, I'm sick of people bitching about my democratic tendencies in my linkage. They seem to think that when I link conservatives or conspiracy nuts or liberal users of profanity that I endorse these points of view and modes of discourse. No. There is much real information, true information, nested in the products of people from all walks of life and all points of view and modes of expression. If you can't see it, or don't see it, where does that leave you?
I think it is interesting/scary that this bozo keeps attributing everything to "a cooling climate"... using largely factual information to slip in a major bit of disinformation. I wonder if his droning style laced with laughable mispronunciations is meant to create a hypnotic effect.... And ending it with images of Alex and his droogies is your clue.
Dear Agent 99,
ReplyDeleteCalling this clown an "irritatingly droning bozo" is like calling Godzilla a pet lizard that escaped captivity and grew large in the wild :-)
OK, I'm exaggerating, but I couldn't bring myself to listen to more than a minute of it.
Ha! :-P For just a split second there my breast swelled with pride for having the fortitude to get through it! I have my moments! My pathetic imperfection of patience is somewhat less imperfect than of old. A burst of hope in the glue pit! :-P
ReplyDeleteOMG, Godzilla/pet lizard... good analogy. It was AWFUL. I was drawn in because he was mentioning the millions who died in the Great Depression and the Katrina victims being herded like animals and shot if they tried to break ranks and other fun facts like those. I was wanting to mention something that pointed to the proportions of the calamity of our mass hypnosis by the media... and so tried to forgive that pet Godzilla. Ultimately, though, I couldn't because he kept slipping in the "global cooling" shit and then got completely assholish with it in the end... topping it off with the droogies in the milk bar. Oof! Psychedlic!
But now I'm all intrigued about if these people really are that successful in snaring rubes. I've seen this kind of action before, but I just can't quite grok people falling for such CLUMSY leaps in logic, even if they don't know "magnate" isn't pronounced "magnet" and Bolsheviks aren't Bulkaviks, etc.
Sometimes I despair of getting the knack for this stuff.... :-P
Yep! The media was always like it is now. Vietnam, JFK, 9/11, this video here you posted...
ReplyDeleteIf the media doesn't cover something, all other stories BESIDES the one the media covers, are "conspiracy theories". That's the power of the media. If they covered the story correctly, none of these things would ever happen. The FIRST way the media portrays something, OR if they ignore it, everything else is "conspiracy" or "nuts" or "tin foil hat", because the media says so in everyone's living room! They get the initial fake story out there. Like possession is 9/10ths of the law, getting the first story out there, true or not, is 9/10ths of what people believe.
ReplyDeleteSo, they rushed out the Osama/boxcutter story FAST!!!!! Then everything else is "conspiracy", "nuts", etc...because it's not what the media first said. The truth always has to start in a hole, a huge hole, that is the job of the media. To make the truth start out in an unrecoverable hole.