01 March 2010


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Pelosi said that "in a matter of days" Democrats will have specific legislative language on health care to show to the public and to wavering lawmakers. She predicted voters will warm up to the bill once they understand its details.

"When we have a bill," she said, "you can bake the pie, you can sell the pie. But you have to have a pie to sell."

At that point, added House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer of Maryland, top Democrats will make their pitch to their members.

"Within the next couple of weeks we're going to have a specific proposal and start counting votes to see whether or not those proposals could pass," he said.


  1. Nancy your pie smells funny.

  2. Twas almost more than I could do to resist making the image one of someone getting pied. I had a burst of Zen prudence and held off. If, of course, she continues with her pie metaphor, I will be left with no choice.


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