25 April 2010

another thing i really wanna know

[click image]

How do they fake ocean acidification samples?


  1. I know it's not politically correct to state it, but Stephen Hawking has never exhibited a particularly spectacular ability to think. It is spectacular only that he didn't let his CP stop him... but the brain power... sorry... not so much.

  2. I didn't watch the movie. Who says the test results are fake?

  3. Climate change deniers.... The people screaming that carbon dioxide isn't a pollutant.... They INSIST this whole thing is a ploy by the space lizards to institute the NWO. They may be using it for those ends, but I wanna know how they can FAKE things like ocean acidification. My whole gig is:


  4. We won't kill the planet, but we might render it unable to support human life. Worse things could happen.

  5. We ARE killing the planet... whether or not it itself dies... whether life of some stripe makes it through. That we-can't-kill-the-planet stuff is DANGEROUS. Even if it's true, we are STILL killing it and that is EVIL.

  6. It would be FINE if we were ONLY killing off humanity. We're killing thousands and thousands and thousands of other species. And that ain't THEIR tough luck! It's OUR tough karma.

  7. Thousands and thousands of species came and went long before we got here and will continue to do so long after we're gone. Perhaps our karma will hasten our demise.

  8. Not to worry. Future impact events are inevitable, as are eruptions of supervolcanoes. Come back in 50 million years. You won't recognize the place.

  9. I'm thinking of your poor departed parents, who, love you though they certainly cannot have failed to do, must have wanted to strangle you even more frequently than most.... I'm thinking of you in second grade! OMG! It had to be a SAINT teaching that class!


  10. I think you should listen to Unbound a couple hunnert thousand times, think of the trees, think of everything beautiful you ever saw, think of tribes a thousand years ago taking care of each other and the planet, think of true humantude, start aiming your intention in honor of those things.... I'm talking about a way to ignore the fuckers to death. We might not be able to take them down physically, people being this disinclined to budge from their caves, but we can help make them so irrelevant they can't do this shit anymore....

  11. I remember my second grade teacher - Mrs Williams. She was black. She and her husband came to dinner at our house. Until I got much older I had no idea how rare that was back in 1956.

  12. Oh, well, if she was black, THAT explains it! Back in those days black people had to be buddhas to make it to middle age. Your parents probably invited Mr. and Mrs. Williams out of abject gratitude that she didn't kill you!


  13. You know, it's pretty funny you mentioned this because I'd just downloaded:

    Dr. Sherman Jackson & Dr. Cornel West: "Reflections\Problems of Black Suffering"

    from the Princeton Lectures site....

  14. I'm going to start listening to it in a minute, and if they mention Mrs. Williams' 1956 second grade class debacle, you are so busted....

  15. As if acidification isn't bad enough, they want to keep tempting this:

    Oil spill now at 1,800 square miles and growing!


  16. Everyone knows drilling is heinous, SERIOUSLY dangerous and bad for the environment, but offshore drilling is outright genocidally despicable. If Obama sticks with his plutocrat appeasement "strategy", I think I'd rather have Palin in the White House. Then it could at least be a ditzy and venal stupid bitch instead of a dickless and venal half black guy. The blacks have suffered enough.

  17. Hell, she probably has the balls to do something about the space lizards. I know she seems to be right on their wavelength, but once she got in office and found out they would kill her and her family, she very well might opt to kill them and theirs instead. I don't think we've considered the possibilities there enough.

  18. And they want more of these too:

    Chernobyl Radiation Killed Nearly One Million People


    Admittedly US reactors don't use carbon for their coolant and therefore have an edge when it comes to safety,



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