I have completed listening carefully to some eighteen hours of conversations between researchers into matters space lizard. There was a lot of very interesting stuff in there, and some encouraging perspectives on the capacity of these "people" to really pull off their plans, tucked in amid the faaaar out.
I'm hanging, here, in the totally not cold rain, with my windows and doors open so I can smoke at my desk without stinking up my house, and sipping hot brandy and milk, just generally trying to emerge from the pain of everything... to just sort of coast... maybe branch out now into other space lizard studies... or read some more ancients... just let all that enduring hang out there in the cosmic plasma... trying not to freak about Goldie's signs of further failure... about my dad... about my neighbors—the ones I adore—who are having a crisis.... They're both 84. She had a heart attack. All her sisters died of heart attacks. She's in Medford in the hospital and her husband is here, scared witless, and needing me to babysit their dog while he goes to Medford to be with her. So I'm probably going to have the bowling-ball-shaped chihuahua here with me for a few days... starting at probably an ungodly early hour... when what I want is to float in the air and wave my wand, take everyone's fear and pain away....
I am not wasting time. [video, nearly two hours, clean energy, FREE energy, two years ago, an excerpt here....]
I'm investigating what the space lizards are doing to us and why. There's a lot to wade through, but certain things are sticking out from the general hysteria and forming up into a sickening sort of sense. For instance, if you watch this video, you will get an idea about why so many otherwise sensible lefties and libertarians are being so obtuse about the global warming thing... get an idea WHY they are SO convinced it's all about the plutocrats trying to make us pay for carbon emissions. I don't think it's productive to buck the science on the grounds that fatsos plan to get fatter off it, but you can SEE why there's so much suicidal resistance... from more than one quadrant.
Next, I'm going to watch some guy lecture for an hour on zero point energy from back in 2004.
This is all stuff along the same lines as the Nazi Bell project, that scalar physics some people hooked onto with that unified field theory of Einstein's back in 1925, along the same lines as Nikola Tesla's thing that JP Morgan shut down, all working from Faraday and Maxwell back in the 1800s. Fer crapsakes, California put some guy in jail for two years, without a trial, for advertising his free energy device. It's not claptrap. It's real... and the lizards are sitting on it.
Part of this is my [masochistic] urge to find out WHAT makes good people go so nuts, so contrarian... so psycho.
I'M JUST ADDING ONTO THIS POST THE NEXT MORNING. I'm fried. I have a heavily freaking cannonball chihuahua huh-ing and panting and hopping, in a state so nervous I'm afraid she's going to go four-up on me any second. I haven't had enough sleep and I don't want to do anything but get this all settled down around here so I can have my morning nap.
Something so startling startled me last night that I'm still reeling from it. I happened upon a snippet of video with Dubya going on about how we need a new clean energy source—which just popped up and smacked me in my eyeprints before I knew what hit me—and for the first time in TEN years my insides did not flipflop at the sight/sound of him. There was no visceral loathing and squirming here at all.
I'm as dumbfounded as the next guy that these feelings have transferred over so almost seamlessly to his successor. I swear, now I can't look at Obama or hear Obama without every cell in my body wishing to get off world... get the hell away from that unendurable perfidy sausage crooning into the mic from behind that stupid dais they usually put in front of presidents. This is a relatively recent development in my life. I hated Reagan, biiiiig time, and never had this feeling. I hated Pappy Bush as much and was embarrassed by him even worse than by Reagan, but even with the addition of Dan Quayle to make it so much the more ridiculous, still the actual organs in my body did not wiggle and hop and try to slip into a fold in space to get away from having to sense their existences.
I was much relieved by the advent of Clinton, and so relieved that I did not despair over the sickening Contract On America in '94 as much as any lucid person would have, because of that relief. Turns out I didn't have much access to actual bits of information on the progress of Clinton's presidency until after it was over. I guess that was some kind of mercy, letting me feel things were so much less awful than they actually were for all that time, but, well, I retrospectively hate him as much as I hated Reagan and Bush... just less now that the threat of Hillary has ebbed.
Somebody might get the impression I just hate all presidents, or all "authority". Not true. I just hate meretricious murderating fucks in positions of power. I can't help it if that's all we ever get anymore...
... until search engines just drop me....
Maybe we can end up using this squirming insides reaction I have to sniff out the known-unknowns and unknown-knowns who are behind all this. Just parade them all in front of me while I'm hooked up to an EKG machine and yank the ones who send the needles off their tracks....
A salient snippet from Zero Hedge:
Nobel prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz calls it "socialism for the rich". So do many others.... which, again, leaves me mystified as to how, actually, the disapproving lefties can be so full-throated in their condemnation of the Tea Party Movement's condemnation of Obama as a "socialist". I mean, yes, he's actually a fascist, but fascism IS socialism for the rich, and this complaint has been loud from all quadrants since September of 2008, and DEAFENINGLY loud since Obama got in and showed he wasn't going to slow it, but actually increase it outrageously... so I really don't see how any DECENT American can object to those particular misspelled signs.
I don't.
Pardon me while I concentrate on Max Keiser blowing bubbles and imitating the soundtrack to Psycho....
Spectacular edition of the Keiser Report, and Dean Baker is looking handsomer than ever, Max screaming bloody murder, Stacy Herbert looking very sleek and sexy... extremely informative and entertaining stuff from the RUSSIAN media. Thank you, Mr. Putin, for your solidarity.
I'm attempting my nap now.
Maybe... maybe... maybe a little sleep....
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