02 April 2010

not exactly defunct

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The fucking ludicrous flap over ACORN, from all sides, in every angle, and most particularly the part where Congress put out an unconstitutional bill of attainder over it, the Democratic-Fascists finding it the better part of easier for them politically, getting the Republican-Fascists off their back, not really even slowing ACORN itself—ONLY accomplishing furies set ablaze over BUBKES in the mindless minions on both sides of the fascists-in-denial aisle—has driven me screaming naked off my cliff so many times I'm wearing the rocks smooth at the bottom of it.

Fucking hyenas braying about this crap for-frickin'-ever, as though it made one part of a scrap of difference, whatever the case—ignoring that the courts ruled ACORN must continue to be funded, ignoring that ACORN isn't defunct, just "reorganizing", "rebranding", breaking into its constituent parts, going to keep on keeping on, just without the now-inflammatory masthead—continue anyway to make a flipping federal case out of it, everywhere you turn, with everyone, screaming like banshees, EXCEPT WITH THE FEDS WHO DID THE HORRIFIC THING OUT OF ALL OF IT... WHILE we're slaughtering innocents and sending weapons to innocents slaughterers and pumping up the police state and Wall Street is getting away with murder and people are going homeless and starving... while our Bill of Rights languishes in putrefaction in some dank sewer under our sewer of a capitol... OMG !!! FUCKING HEARTLESS CULTURE-WARRING, PLUTOCRAT-PLEASING MORANS!!!!!!

I wish I could get a license to strangle a few people. That would probably do the most good.

Maybe just knocking off multiple blocks would do it.

Just shoot me.

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