15 April 2010

scientists can be such putzes

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Lots of alternative researchers, mathematicians and physicists have been talking about something large this way coming and have debunked the speed of light as the limit of velocity... but... well... many of them are close personal friends with space aliens, I guess, because nobody else is giving them a place at the table. But, now, robots, that's a different matter. Challenging as heck but doesn't bend their brains, doesn't require them to throw out what everybody only thinks we know.


  1. Earthquakes, floods, volcanoes, meteors. Maybe something's afoot.

  2. There are quite a few people INSISTING that we have the black ops technology to CAUSE those things... I've been listening to a lot of experts talking about how the Nazi Bell research did not die out with the war, but continued on in a number of places, and could definitely do this stuff. I'm not saying I believe it, but I am beginning to believe the part about the research on something MUCH bigger than nukes has been ongoing.

  3. I'm rootin' for Klaatu and Gort to show up.

  4. I've been running SETI At Home on my computers since near its inception.


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