26 May 2010

carville says it

[click image]

Obama has been WORTHLESS in the Gulf blowout calamity. W-O-R-T-H-L-E-S-S. You know his idea is to try to stay hands off, not to get the blame like Dubya did for Katrina, but the thing Dubya got the blame for was DOING NOTHING. No difference, except Obama gives a smooth EXCUSE.

And DREAM ON, Amy.... Justice is for plebes. Give me a break.

Obama's Chernobyl... no one to blame but himself.


  1. I saw Carville on an interview yesterday...you had to see his eyes; if Obama was present Carville looked like he would have swiftly kicked Obama in the ass...This wasn't politics...it was personal.

  2. Well, at least we know CARVILLE is a human. That's what I keep yelling about. NOTHING is not political to Obama. He's a sociopathic puppet... far worse than 43. We have to take heart in Carville's expression of humanity, I guess, because we are NOT going to be seeing much of that from this bunch.

  3. EXACTLY 99...Carville expressed natural human anger about Obama's lack of human response...

    This is Obama's Katrina and 9/11


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