25 May 2010

late night lizardry

[click image, video playlist, hour and a half]

In case you didn't listen to Levenda last night, the reason we know so much more about what was going on in Nazi Germany now is that with the reunification of Germany mountains of documents have become available. Also, a lot of stuff from here has been declassified, and so we can expect highly educated kinky scholarly genius geeks, disgusted with the psychedelic official line on EVERYTHING, to keep leaping out of the box and trying to piece together better explanations for everything. The reason I am posting more of this stuff instead of just linking it at the bottom of my sidebar when it seems to contain some possibly salient bits, is because there are some guys in this alternative research community who, using this fresh mountain of evidence, are all, individually and severally, coming to the conclusion that the Nazis did not exactly lose WWII.


  1. http://www.proliberty.com/observer/20070405.htm is a very interesting (albeit long) read on this subject.


  2. LOL , let's try that again shall we...

    http://www.proliberty.com/observer/20070405.htm is an interesting , albeit long read on this subject.


  3. lol , I give up 8)

  4. You meant, HERE is an interesting, albeit long read on this subject.


  5. I think I better get another cup of coffee.

  6. First, that really doesn't look much like GHWB and there is too much of a family likeness between GHWB and his parents and his kids with their grandparents. No need whatsoever to try to further Nazify the the Bush Crime Family anyway. And there's more evidence for the non-Paperclip-Nazis fleeing to South America. The Paperclip Nazis seem to have risen in the ranks like lightning, instead of being distrusted and outcast as one would expect of agencies being saddled with Nazis so soon after the war. No, the Nazis had PLENTY of pull with our plutocrats before, during and after the war, without anything as fantastic as planting a teenager into one of their families.

  7. First, that really doesn't look much like GHWB and there is too much of a family likeness between GHWB and his parents and his kids with their grandparents.

    GHWB should resemble his parents and his kids should resemble their GPs. The article is suggesting that it was Preston Sheldon Bush that was the plant.

  8. I better go back and skim harder then!

  9. While I'm thinking of it: You DO realize that a shitload of these bankers determined to take over the world were JEWS, right? Which makes this progression into Jew-incinerating Nazis pretty frickin' weird, no?

  10. This would be the paragraph, along with the not-that-GHWB-like photo, that put me off the point:

    Skorzeny did not stop there. He produced a photo of a young Skorzeny, Mengele, Bormann, and the family of George H. Scherff, Sr.. Seated in the midst of those in the photo was a young George H. Scherff, Jr., who, Skorzeny explained, was trained as a spy and sent to America to work for Adolph Hitler. “He was given false identification and adopted by Prescott Sheldon Bush as his “son,” George Herbert Walker Bush,” Skorzeny went on. “He forged a birth certificate in order to enter the military before he turned 18. He was 16 at the time.”


  11. “SCHERF: German and Jewish (Ashkenazic); from Middle High
    Considering Adolph Hitler’s propensity to employ metaphysical symbology and his obsession with the dark side of the occult, it is plausible that GHS1/PSB’s surname had everything to do with his having been chosen for an exceptionally covert plot: To funnel and launder stolen money through American banks sympathetic to the Nazi cause, to profit technologically and financially from stolen technology, and to subvert the government of the United States through bribery, intimidation, murder and espionage.

    German. Habitational name from places in the Rhineland named Scherf, or from Scherfede near Warburg. (Note: The word “Ashkenazic” is derived from the Hebrew word for Germany. Ashkenazic Jews are the Jews of France, Germany, and Eastern Europe.)”

    Yep , weird as hell 8)

  12. ooops , the first line of the first para. , should be the first line of the second para.

  13. There's also a problem with the timing of all this. Prescott Bush was out there collaborating with Nazis at the same time he's supposedly being Tesla's assistant, secretary, accountant, lawyer, whatever, AS George Scherff. AND 41 would have been FOURTEEN years old at the time of that picture of the kid in uniform with all the Nazis.

  14. I agree that the kid in the picture appears to be, at the very least 16 yrs old. However, if his birth certificate was forged as they say , hell , he could have been 20 yrs old.

    As for Prescott Bush/George Scherff working for Tesla , read the section titled ...

    George H. Scherff, Jr., visits the FBI

  15. No. I can't take it anymore. Too much supposition. Too many times listing people as lying to immigration more times than they possibly could have sailed back and forth, too many assertions based on notoriously inexact and misidentified census records, and ignoring that people that age VERY often, MOST often did not have birth certificates... that their birth was established through CHURCH baptism records... and there was a TERRIBLE problem for people remembering what year they were born and what exact age they were back then, because they were all from large families and some with not even any baptism record or family bible to check. Almost everything supposedly a baldfaced lie in here could as easily be explained by much less nefarious things, and particularly the researcher/s thinking everyone with the same or even similar name was the same person. Altogether shoddy stuff. It's VERY plain that PSB was skunk who might as well have been a Nazi, and his son too, which makes this even crazier. It's also pretty apparent to me that the plutocrats decided to make the Nazis to begin with, and maybe called off their spectacular treasury looting when the Jewish death toll got too high and the scientists, none of whom needed to steal from Tesla to do what they did, wanted out from under the bombs to carry on in peace.

    Plus "George Scherf" had to have been about as common a name in Germany and environs as John Smith, and the same would be true with the added "f". So I don't think this guy has made his case at all, and further, don't see any NEED to be so sloppy to make it. The criminal financial stuff was CLEARLY as heinous as being some pre-Nazi Nazi plant, etc.

    Hitler hated bankers. Yes, Hitler was MADE by industrialists and bankers, but he hated them and stopped being their puppet. There are NUMEROUS conflicting accounts of him surviving the war. People in Argentina INSISTING he lived there until he died; somebody reporting seeing him at the World's Fair with Eva Braun; others reporting him in Russia; some idiot on the linked radio broadcast insisting he was Hoover's boyfriend. Whatever. They created a monster. They seriously would have wanted him dead, and if they couldn't kill him, and if he didn't commit suicide, it's 100% they wouldn't have let him live if they could get their hands on him.

    I don't know how it currently sits between plutocrat-fascists, some former Nazis, and the still-Nazi Nazis, but Prescott and son and grandson have plainly been ready to do whatever it takes for power and money... which doesn't in any way necessitate them being Nazi implants.... Plain old greed and total unscrupulousness in pursuit of it could have turned just about anyone in the right place, with the right people, into The Bush Crime Family.

  16. Which... come to think of it... ties in with my big idea that there was a war going on between the powers behind our government back in 2006. I could smell it. Could be it was the plutocrat arm fighting the Nazi arm... BOTH in favor of fascism for America... but fighting over the ultimate power.


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