14 May 2010


[click image]

Public service reminder....


  1. Wow...

    That about sums it up, doesn't it!

  2. Yes, and I've been aware of this most of my adult life, yet EVEN as I am screaming about this stuff, this basic thing seems somehow as though it wasn't but now is or will be, and so I really DO understand how people can continually fuzz-out on actuality... but it STILL just drives me wild.

    It seems to me I ought to be able to post a link to this on EVERY political blog and grind every one of them to an instant halt with it.


    But, you know, that doesn't happen.

  3. As long as total ditzes like Sarah Palin and meaningless TV shows like Dancing With the Stars, Are You Smarter Than a Fitfh Grader and American Idol can dazzle the populace I fear there is little hope.

  4. Maybe the mother of all hurricanes splatting crude all over the Gulf Coast and islands, flinging glops of black gold all over buildings in Houston and the casinos in New Orleans, sliming Camp No and Havana, will snap them out of it.

  5. Perhaps a mega-tornado could come out of a hurricane, suck up about 500,000 gallons of crude sludge, carry it to D.C. and splatter it all over the White House.


    Even that wouldn't give them a clue!

  6. Maybe WE could be the tornado.....

  7. It seems we have the beginnings of a plan here!


  8. Made an adjustment to my sidebar in response to Blue's comment...

  9. I told you about that book ages ago. We studied it in college. It's the closest the social sciences have come to a law a la the physical sciences.

  10. Hey, I just noticed you quoted me over there on the right side of the page. Thanks for the honor.
    (Now where can I get Obama overprinted on my Impeach Bush tee shirt?)

  11. Exactly! You did. When we were frickin' puppies... and I probably even knew about it before that! But integrating intellectual concepts into daily life starts to become extremely complicated. There are so many tiers of knowing that have to flow together properly... clogged synapses that have to be kept open. And even if you hadn't told me and if I never bothered to go get it off Wikipedia, I figured it out REALLY early, AND have added nuance to it over the years, EVEN without any intersection with any scholarship on the matter, and STILL it keeps sneaking up to bite me in the ass!

  12. Re: The t-shirt

    I think you should cut yer finger and just drip his name in blood over the W....

  13. And, not only did I quote you, but I may even keep it on top of the quotes, because it says it SO satisfyingly!

  14. My friend Linda, a former Obama supporter, has gone from "Why do you have to be such a cynic?" to "It looks like you were right." to "I hate him! He's worse than Bush."


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