03 May 2010

we disgrace ourselves

[click image]

Over and over and over and over. I swear, it's every bit as embarrassing to be an American now as it was through the entire Dubya administration.


  1. I moved beyond embarrassment into full-blown shame some time ago.

  2. I never can tell those two apart. They feel the same to me. I know the one supposedly deeply implants itself and one spends most of one's time trying to cover for it, and the other is supposedly a passing thing, but I tend not to harbor any of that stuff anymore. Now I just wear it. So maybe you could even say my embarrassment and shame have been so great that they have turned into one amalgamated perpetual state of PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE FORGIVE ME.

  3. Believe me, I so KNOW the feeling... only my urges run more toward decapitation....

  4. Someone please remind me...
    Who is the only nation in the history of this world to ever use nukes against it's fellow humans ?

  5. I know teacher, I know!

    It was us!

  6. We gotta nuke em over there before they nuke us over here!

    Your Commander and Chief!


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