30 September 2010

i propose you wait for happy hour before clicking this link

[click image]


I know yer gonna want to assume it's just one dysfunctional local governing body. But, well, no, it's every local governing body, and we all know it... something like everyone knows cops NEVER tell the truth in court.... If you did not just fall off the turnip truck, truly, wait till you are pleasantly toasted before viewing. It'll at least spare you the urge to run for a drink.

love, 99


  1. Fer Fuck sake, I was waiting for the Monty Python Anvil to drop on her head when she was belching "Gavel down, gavel him down, LMAO!

  2. I damn well had to bear it before Happy Hour! I had to take myself out for a drink! I was trying to drop anvils on her all afternoon! Very frustrating.

  3. I saw this stupid video purporting to be for reductions in greenhouse gasses last night where everyone who wasn't into it was blown to gory bits by use of a big red button and I couldn't help reflecting that they could have really used that button at this meeting... and so many more....


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