10 September 2010


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Whew, that was close.

love, 99


  1. I can't believe how calm the people were. Laughing as a pod of killer whales swam under and up to their inflatable boat - I'd of been freaked out for sure!

  2. That so crossed my mind, but in truth, killer whales are not interested in harming humans UNLESS we are harming them... like killing their kin. They are usually 100% safe for humans to encounter. I didn't know what I was seeing. I thought that was a baby Orca flying out of the water like that, and the adults were circling to protect it, but then the penguin flew into the boat. LOL, poor little thing. Musta been pooped.

  3. And, OMG, they are THE most beautiful creatures in the world when they are traveling. It's like ballet. It's ELEGANT. It's GORGEOUS. I almost died of love watching a pod of them passing the ferry I was on under the midnight sun. SPECTACULAR! Makes you want to go shoot everyone who keeps them in captivity!


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