11 September 2010

my passion for polar bears

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People know about my polar bear thing. They send me polar bear things. I guess my lack of a tv set is all that is preventing me from dissolving into a heaving lump of ectoplasm every time this dumb car ad pops up between the debauched plebes scratching each other's eyes out for a million-dollar prize.

You know, when I was a kid, this dignified-looking fellow just knocked on your door and handed you a million dollars. Everyone kept their clothes on. Nobody did anything despicable. Happy ending every time. And polar bears were not drowning in the Arctic from the ice cap receding too far for them to swim back to land.

I don't think this fucking car is going to do an iota of good. If a polar bear lives through WWIII it'll be a fucking miracle.

love, 99


  1. when I was a kid, this dignified-looking fellow just knocked on your door and handed you a million dollars

    My Granmamma had a typewriter in her den. When us kids would visit we would type out million dollar checks and pass them out to each other.

    I'm still waiting for Michael Anthony to knock on my door with that check form Tipton even though it is worth about 1/8th of what it was then!

  2. Oh crap - I did it again, hit the wrong code button!

    I'll blame it on early morning brain lag!

  3. You know, I can totally relate, brain fog and million-dollar checks. I once had my boss write me a check for a million dollars. I still have it. When he did it, I would have expected to live the rest of my life on it, but... I would have been wrong.

  4. Everyone claiming to be an environmentalist seems to be all a gaga over these electric cars, but...

    Where are they getting their electricity?

    In California a good share may be from wind, solar or hydro yielding some benefit. In the upper Midwest it most likely is from an inefficient coal fired plant which is belching tones of carbon and mercury into the atmosphere. Where's the environmental savings there?

  5. Yes, EXACTLY, and, WHERE, when we can barely pay our energy bills now, are we getting the money for the electricity? Maybe at home it would balance out with the price of gas, but what about recharges out there with commercial outlets? POSSIBLY, everybody driving electric would still balance out a smidgeon to the cleaner side, but would NEVER be enough to make a dent.

    UNLESS all our power comes from something 100% clean. THAT would make a huge dent. ALL our power. But it STILL doesn't address the monster problems with mining and chemical pollutants and plastics, all suffocating us to death.


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