21 September 2010

that reminds me

[click image]


How the fuck did we EVER get the Do Not Call List? Telemarketers were too chintzy with their lobbyists, that's how. Rest assured Google will not make the same blunder, and even if something passed that purported to enjoin their tracking activities, they'd ignore it and NEVER be held to account for it. I don't know why these airheads bothered to bring it up.

love, 99


  1. Now the telemarketers are starting to hammer my cell phone with calls and text messages - fortunately I have Metro PC - cheap flat rate for all services. I've I was on a "Minutes" plan these fuckwads would be costing me money.

    As it is they are only an annoyance. (I've got to find the cell phone no call list)

  2. Well... OR smash the cell phone with a sledge hammer. END of a big hunk of all yer troubles. Tell wife and kids to just get over it.


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