05 October 2010

the impediment to wisdom?

[click image]

Since coming across this image last night, I have been pondering what would possess someone to bring it into the world. First thing I thought of was the set of all scrawny men who are hot for the vastness of pulchritude, but there's that little open book back off there in the distance, behind the mounded flesh on a platter. So I'm thinking, being as how it is today and Sam and I are wondering what to do about the specter of the masses not critically thinking because they were not taught how to do it as children, maybe it's saying something better.

I'm still reeling from the information read onto that podcast, the printed authorities for terms like new world order and The Trivium and dumbing down.... I mean, it has been apparent forever that masses of humans are not bright, but I've managed to run across many, many people I can tell are very smart indeed and yet, and yet, they continually shock me by settling into covertly self-interested advocacy when it is plain as day that is genocidally greedy... which IS also suicidally greedy... and just plain dumb. You hear me wailing about bad faith actors all the time. I keep seeing that the only way society in any form works is when it is peopled with good faith actors. I've been at it for years and it always boils down to this, and I can't find any of those anymore, even among those who occasionally give a good imitation of good faith. This platter of luscious pulchritude stands between them and good faith action, between them and using their heads for something beside hat racks. There were goddam books written about it I never heard of before! It's a plan! This was planned.

It was planned by people whose critical thinking did not arc toward enlightenment. THAT appalls me probably the most. They resented human stupidity so much it made them callous, nihilistic, sociopathic... and stop-you-in-your-tracks narcissistic.

I guess, put like this, with that lovely creature separating man from enlightenment, the contemplation of it can only be seen as good, though it took me a good twelve hours and fitful dreams to get over my revulsion enough to see the beauty in putting out such a crass depiction.

Note the scrawny guy is a hick. Note he's using his head for a hat rack.

Torpid and fat sexuality is served to him on a platter, blinding him to the goal.

This is an image of his enslavement, the way he has been tricked into thinking he's free.

love, 99

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