21 October 2010

the impostor's office called

[click image, vision of loveliness arises to face the beautiful truth]


They wanted to tell me my thyroid levels are even better than before. Isn't that ducky? I have been to the eye doctor once and the impostor twice since my trip to the ER with exploding iris syndrome. All my hypothyroid symptoms are coming back, with the addition of musical inflamed things in my eyes, sinuses, ears and throat. Doesn't matter how puffy anything on me is, it doesn't register as puffy; just go to the lab; no bugs... silence. A fucking brick wall of dirt ignorance.

I snapped. I called the doctor in Stinson Beach and wailed for help. So I gotta drive another 400 miles next week to try to get some actual help. I goddam had to work to get a close approximation of the doctor's name in mind for the call. This is going to be a thrill a minute... and I may end up having to play musical guest rooms for X amount of time to be able to stick around long enough for any subsidiary duties.

Will someone please adopt me?

Will someone please tell me which of these — this eloquent restatement of what should be obvious or this photo essay — feels more MOTIVATING? I'm dying to know what it takes.

love, 99


  1. The French, they are smarter than the citizens in this country and aren't about ready to give up anything. I love the part were the French govt wasn't able to drive a wedge between young and old. I hope they tear apart the EU of today and rebuild it to something that works for the people and not against them.

  2. Oh, now, that was a reassuring link... not.... We have to stop letting the fuckers take their jobs elsewhere. We have to get SERIOUS.

  3. There was a cold going around recently. Mostly sinus fluid for me and the complementary enhanced smoker's cough after.

    Each day I slogged through with.
    3K Vitamin C
    3K Vitamin D
    1 Mega Red
    1 Magnesium
    1 10k vitamin A

    The videos I did OCT 2nd at Monster Fest 2010 I was still nasal at the time. You can hear it in me.


  4. You gotta NUKE it with the C and D... waaaaay more than that. Knocks it right out. So does zinc applied to the nasal passages or throat.

    And, hell, Phil, I can't hear anything over all that noise you make! :o)


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