20 October 2010

make them afraid for their heads

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Go on and listen to the whole segment with Max talking to Alex about this stuff... and Cenk and Matt talking about the same thing. On Prison Planet right now, down the sidebar on the right, they're taking a poll on what we think we will do about this mess. I voted for scratch our asses, so did most everyone else. I never shut up about this stuff and NONE of my friends or family will hear it. They wave it off. They tell me they don't want to hear it. They tell me bugs were meant to inherit the earth. We are exceptionally exceptional. We are not even human anymore we're so exceptional.

Sam had a GREAT idea a little while ago. We drive to DC, crank up John's "Imagine" full blast on our car stereos and walk off, leaving our cars blasting John at the murderating fucks. What's a damn car next to this slaughtering and starving of humans? What's a job? What's a FAMILY? What have you got that is worth laying down like a fat whipped dog? Have you gone to the local cops yet to tell them you don't want Nazis in your town? Have you EVEN done that much?



Oh, wait, wait! The space lizard guys are with me. <—— That's a good conversation. You should listen... especially when they get to the second clip, after they pass the space lizard stuff. So we've got Max Keiser, David DeGraw, Matt Taibbi, Cenk Uygur, Jordan Maxwell, and Jeff Rense... and... who else? There's more. There's more. Some of you, but, dammit, what in the fuck is wrong with everybody? You want nude pictures? More slop from McDonald's? WHAT?

love, 99


  1. It's not to late for the car thing to work for election day...shut down DC with cars blaring IMAGINE on election day.

    Makes me wish I could drive two at once.

  2. Oh, just got back from town, they had a poll going too...it's scratch your ass (while waiting in line at Wal-mart with food stamps) by a furlong.

    I can't wait for inflation.
    Sell out, NWO. Wait. Buy, NOW.


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