Nothing worse than spineless losers with badges. When you go into the local cop shop to tell them you want this more-people-being-killed-by-cops-than-saved shit to STOP. You tell them this isn't a war zone. This is not kill or be killed. This is where cops come to make things better, be helpful, restore peace. REMIND THEM THEY ARE PEACE OFFICERS, AND WE DON'T MEAN CLINT EASTWOOD KIND OF PEACE. Tell them to trash their tasers. Tell them it is better to let a perp get away than to shoot anybody unless the perp is known to be a serial killer. Tell them you don't care WHAT color they are, they are humans who deserve REAL respect, not this sickeningly fakey shit where they call you ma'am or sir and then blast you with whatever they've got. Tell them that not following their orders is not an offense justifying bodily harm, that if they can't use better judgment in the face of a twerpy little knife while they've got guns and kevlar suits they are in the wrong line of work.
love, 99
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